Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 29 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
291 0 0 0 $args{'EffectiveId'} and $args{'EffectiveId'} != $args{'id'}
316 0 0 0 defined $args{$type} and $args{$type} =~ /^\d+$/
323 0 0 0 $args{'Area'} and my $area = delete $args{'Area'}
417 0 0 0 $Owner == $RT::Nobody->Id and $$txn{'trans_data'} eq $$txn{'actor'}
0 0 0 $Owner == $actor->Id and $new_user->Id == $RT::Nobody->Id
627 0 0 0 $header =~ /;\s*boundary=\s*$/i and $headers[0] =~ m[\s*"?([\-\w\.\=/\+\%\#]+)"?]i

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
403 0 0 $$txn{'trans_data'} ||= 'Nobody'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
372 0 0 0 $$txn{'type'} eq 'create' or $$txn{'type'} eq 'import'
652 0 0 0 not scalar @headers or $headers[0] =~ /^\S/
689 0 0 0 $args{'Name'} ||= $args{'EmailAddress'}