Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 106 57.5

line true false branch
147 0 6 if ($offset_depth > 100)
154 0 6 if $debug
155 0 6 if $debug
161 0 6 if $debug
162 0 6 if $debug
165 0 6 if ($npoints < 3)
179 0 6 if ($canvas)
218 37 0 if ($delAx) { }
232 37 0 if ($delBx) { }
238 0 37 if ($Am == $Bm or $Am eq $Bm)
242 35 2 unless (_do_cross($Ax1, $Ay1, $Ax2, $Ay2, $Bx1, $By1, $Bx2, $By2))
247 0 2 if ($npoints < 4)
248 0 0 if $debug
251 0 2 if ($Am eq 'inf') { }
0 2 elsif ($Bm eq 'inf') { }
269 1 1 if (abs $time < $first_time)
291 6 0 if ($npoints > 3)
297 0 37 if $debug
298 0 37 if $debug
304 37 0 if ($delAx) { }
309 37 175 if ($n2 == $n or $n2 == $n - 1 or $n == 0 and $n2 == $npoints - 1)
312 0 175 if $debug
319 89 86 if ($delBx) { }
325 0 175 if ($Am == $Bm or $Am eq $Bm)
332 0 175 if ($Am eq 'inf') { }
86 89 elsif ($Bm eq 'inf') { }
348 25 150 if ($next == $npoints)
369 0 175 if $debug
370 0 175 if $debug
371 175 0 if ($int_scale) { }
373 167 8 if ($bis_scale[$n] + $int_scale) { }
393 125 50 unless (_do_cross($Ax1, $Ay1, $Ax2, $Ay2, $Bx1, $By1, $Bx2, $By2))
400 4 46 if (abs $time < $first_time and $time == $time_dir * abs($time))
419 2 4 if ($first_time <= abs $offset) { }
420 0 2 if ($debug)
421 0 0 if ($first_event eq 'join')
424 0 0 if ($first_event eq 'split')
434 1 1 if ($first_event eq 'join') { }
1 0 elsif ($first_event eq 'split') { }
445 1 0 if ($bis_scale[$first_join] < $bis_scale[$first_join + 1]) { }
479 0 1 if ($split_seg < $first_split) { }
502 0 1 if ($debug)
517 1 0 if ($num > 2) { }
523 0 0 if $debug
525 1 0 if ($num1 > 2) { }
531 0 0 if $debug
561 6 37 if $n == @{$coords;}
578 0 37 if (abs $delAx < $delta and abs $delAy < $delta or abs $delBx < $delta and abs $delBy < $delta)
586 6 31 if ($theta_AB < -pi()) { }
0 31 elsif ($theta_AB > pi()) { }
592 0 37 if (abs $theta_AB - pi() < $delta)
594 0 0 if $n
611 160 52 if ($det_123 * $det_124 > 0 or $det_341 * $det_342 > 0) { }