Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 72 274 26.2

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1145 0 0 length $em > 1 and ($prefix) = $v =~ /(.*)$em$/ and $missing = 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
539 597 12 4 $tc == 10 and $p == 1
559 40 10 $tc == 9 and $p == 0
599 0 0 $_ eq 'etc' and $edg
599 0 0 $_ eq 'etc' and $edg and $p
0 0 0 $_ eq 'etc' and $edg and $p and $x = $res{$t}[$p - 1]
599 0 0 $_ eq 'acc' and $root
599 0 0 $_ eq 'acc' and $root and $edg
542 10 106 0 !defined($tense{$_}) && "$_" ne ','
591 0 0 0 $p == 3 and $reg{$edg2}{$t}[$p] =~ /^i/
0 0 0 $p == 3 and $reg{$edg2}{$t}[$p] =~ /^i/ and $x =~ /i([$cons]{1,2}|ç|gu)$/o
662 0 0 0 $c = shift @s and not $c =~ /[:=]/
670 0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/
0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/ and $v
0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/ and $v and $r
731 0 0 0 $c = shift @s and not $c =~ /[:=]/
735 0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/
0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/ and $v
0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/ and $v and $r
790 0 0 0 @s and $c = shift @s
0 0 0 @s and $c = shift @s and not $c =~ /[:=]/
797 0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/
0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/ and $v
0 0 0 $c and $c =~ /[:=]/ and $v and @u
805 0 0 0 defined($e = shift @u) and defined($d = shift @t)
911 0 0 0 $p == 3 and $t eq 'pres'
0 0 0 $p == 2 and $t eq 'ivo'
920 0 0 0 $t eq 'pres' and $p == 2 || $p == 3
0 0 0 $t eq 'ivo' and $p == 2
924 0 0 0 $t eq 'perf' and $p != 3
0 0 0 $t eq 'pres' and $p == 4
944 0 0 0 $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} =~ /[12]/ and defined $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1]
0 0 0 $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} =~ /[12]/ and defined $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] and not $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]/o || $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*(["$vocs"])/o && ($1 eq 'i' || $1 eq 'í' || "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '2' && $1 eq 'e')
0 0 0 "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '4' and $p != 3
0 0 0 "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '4' and $p != 3 and $p != 6
0 0 0 'precaver' eq $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} and $t eq 'pres' && $p != 4 || $t =~ /(cpres|ivo)/
0 0 0 'adequar' eq $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} and $t =~ /c?pres/ && $p != 4 || $t eq 'ivo'
979 0 11 10 @_ and ($v = shift()) =~ /^\-? [hvqlrcsxio]+ $/x
1004 0 11 11 $v and not defined $alt_tense{$w = lc un_accent($v)}
11 0 11 $v and not defined $alt_tense{$w = lc un_accent($v)} and not $v =~ /[\d]/
1014 3 8 20 $w and defined $$cur_verb{$w}
1036 3 0 8 defined $v and $v =~ /^ [1-6] $/x
1038 8 0 15 $v = shift() and $v =~ /^[1-6] $/x
1078 5 0 0 $v =~ /oiar$/ and $v ne 'boiar'
1125 0 0 1 $root =~ /^ $cpat* \^? $/ox and $rr = $root || 1
1145 0 0 0 length $em > 1 and ($prefix) = $v =~ /(.*)$em$/
1148 0 0 0 length $em > 1 and ($prefix) = $v =~ /(.*)$em$/
1169 19 30 0 not $w and $m
49 0 0 not $w and $m and $y = $$verb{$m}{$t}[$p - 1]
1188 19 30 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'cpres'
49 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'cpres' and ($y = $$verb{$v}{'cpres'}[0]) || $m && ($y = $$verb{$m}{'cpres'}[0])
1210 19 30 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'cimp' || "$t" eq 'cfut'
30 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'cimp' || "$t" eq 'cfut' and ($y = $$verb{$v}{'perf'}[0]) || $m && $$verb{$m}{'perf'}[0]
19 30 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo'
49 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo' and $p != 1
30 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo' and $p != 1 and $p != 5
0 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo' and $p != 1 and $p != 5 and ($y = $$verb{$v}{'cpres'}[$p - 1]) || $m && $$verb{$m}{'cpres'}[$p - 1]
19 30 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo'
49 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo' and $p != 1
30 0 0 not $w and "$t" eq 'ivo' and $p != 1 and $p == 5
1283 19 14 16 not $w and defined $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1]
1286 14 19 16 $w and not $ex
33 16 0 $w and not $ex and $modif
1387 6 0 0 $vlist =~ / \b$v \s* ([^\s=:]|\Z) /x and $` =~ / ([^\s\n]*)\s* ( = [^\:\=]*) \Z/x
6 0 0 $vlist =~ / \b$v \s* ([^\s=:]|\Z) /x and $` =~ / ([^\s\n]*)\s* ( = [^\:\=]*) \Z/x and not $1 =~ /^defectivos[1234]?$/
1432 6 24 22 defined $_ and $mx[$i] < ($a = length $_)
1463 0 0 0 defined $_ and $mx[$j] < ($a = length $_)
1483 0 0 0 exists $ENV{$v} and defined $ENV{$v}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1125 1 0 $root || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
178 0 0 50 $#res || wantarray
539 10 106 613 defined $tense{$_} or "$_" eq ','
116 0 613 defined $tense{$_} or "$_" eq ',' or $p == 6
911 0 0 0 $p == 3 and $t eq 'pres' or $p == 2 and $t eq 'ivo'
920 0 0 0 $p == 2 || $p == 3
0 0 0 $t eq 'pres' and $p == 2 || $p == 3 or $t eq 'ivo' and $p == 2
924 0 0 0 $t eq 'imp' or $t eq 'mdp'
0 0 0 $t eq 'imp' or $t eq 'mdp' or $t eq 'perf' and $p != 3
0 0 0 $t eq 'imp' or $t eq 'mdp' or $t eq 'perf' and $p != 3 or $t eq 'pres' and $p == 4
944 0 0 0 $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]/o || $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*(["$vocs"])/o && ($1 eq 'i' || $1 eq 'í' || "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '2' && $1 eq 'e')
0 0 0 $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} =~ /[12]/ and defined $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] and not $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]/o || $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*(["$vocs"])/o && ($1 eq 'i' || $1 eq 'í' || "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '2' && $1 eq 'e') or "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '4' and $p != 3 and $p != 6
0 0 0 $t eq 'pres' && $p != 4 || $t =~ /(cpres|ivo)/
0 0 0 $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} =~ /[12]/ and defined $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] and not $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]/o || $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*(["$vocs"])/o && ($1 eq 'i' || $1 eq 'í' || "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '2' && $1 eq 'e') or "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '4' and $p != 3 and $p != 6 or 'precaver' eq $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} and $t eq 'pres' && $p != 4 || $t =~ /(cpres|ivo)/
0 0 0 $t =~ /c?pres/ && $p != 4 || $t eq 'ivo'
0 0 0 $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} =~ /[12]/ and defined $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] and not $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]["^$vocs"]*["$vocs"]/o || $reg{$edg}{$t}[$p - 1] =~ /["^$vocs"]*(["$vocs"])/o && ($1 eq 'i' || $1 eq 'í' || "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '2' && $1 eq 'e') or "$$verb{'defectivos'}{$v}" eq '4' and $p != 3 and $p != 6 or 'precaver' eq $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} and $t eq 'pres' && $p != 4 || $t =~ /(cpres|ivo)/ or 'adequar' eq $$verb{'defectivos'}{$v} and $t =~ /c?pres/ && $p != 4 || $t eq 'ivo'
1125 7 0 1 ($rr, $vr, $cr) = $root =~ /^ (.*) ($vpat+) ($cpat* \^?) $/ox or $root =~ /^ $cpat* \^? $/ox and $rr = $root || 1
1188 0 0 0 ($y = $$verb{$v}{'cpres'}[0]) || $m && ($y = $$verb{$m}{'cpres'}[0])
1198 0 0 0 !defined($cr) || defined $cy && $cr eq $cy
1210 0 0 30 "$t" eq 'cimp' || "$t" eq 'cfut'
0 0 0 ($y = $$verb{$v}{'perf'}[0]) || $m && $$verb{$m}{'perf'}[0]
0 0 0 ($y = $$verb{$v}{'cpres'}[$p - 1]) || $m && $$verb{$m}{'cpres'}[$p - 1]
1289 12 9 28 $regexp or not defined $w
1369 0 5 6 not $v or defined $$verb{$v}