Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 30 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if (exists $args{'suits'} and ref $args{'suits'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'lang'}) { }
24 0 0 if (lc $args{'lang'} eq 'ru_ru.utf8')
31 0 0 unless ($#check == $#suits)
35 0 0 if (exists $args{'valence'} and ref $args{'valence'} eq 'ARRAY')
40 0 0 unless ($#check == $#valence)
73 0 0 unless ($layout and ref $layout eq 'ARRAY')
77 0 0 if ($#$layout > $#{$$self{'deck'};})
84 0 0 if ($_)
90 0 0 unless ($#test == $#cards)
95 0 0 unless (grep {$card eq $_;} @{$$self{'deck'};})
112 0 0 wantarray ? :
127 0 0 if ($card) { }
149 0 0 if (defined $convolution and $convolution == $index++) { }
152 0 0 if $convolution