Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 38 52.6

line true false branch
69 12 136 if (@_)
114 348 0 if (exists $$self{'Map'}{$k})
148 160 0 unless $$self{'Map'}{$k}
181 3 0 if exists $$self{'Map'}{$k}
198 9 0 if exists $$self{'Map'}{$k}
215 9 0 if exists $$self{'Map'}{$k}
313 0 0 if (defined wantarray)
314 0 0 if wantarray
337 0 0 if (defined wantarray)
338 0 0 if wantarray
376 0 0 unless ref $code and lc ref $code eq 'code'
404 0 0 unless ref $code and lc ref $code eq 'code'
423 4 10 if ($tree eq '' or $tree eq '=') { }
430 4 6 unless $tree
432 10 0 if $$self{'Map'}{$key}
464 10 2 if $level
465 4 8 if $level < 0
475 4 8 if $level > 1
476 10 2 if $level