Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 108 22.2

line true false branch
34 0 0 unless ref $self
61 0 0 if ($$self{'verbose'} >= 2)
97 0 0 eval { do { require Sort::Key::Natural } } ? :
102 0 0 if (-d $filename) { }
194 0 0 if ($$self{'verbose'})
195 0 0 defined $to ? :
0 0 defined $section ? :
199 0 0 if ($type eq 'man')
200 0 0 unless ($self->manpage_is_known($to))
207 0 0 unless (defined $to)
208 0 0 if (defined $section and not $$own_sections{$section})
210 0 0 if (my $approximations = _section_approximations($section, $own_sections)) { }
221 0 0 if ($$self{'verbose'} >= 2)
234 0 0 unless (defined $podfile)
235 0 0 if (my $method = $self->_module_known_cpan($to))
236 0 0 if (defined $section and $section ne '')
247 0 0 if (not defined $podfile || defined $section and $self->manpage_is_known($to))
254 0 0 if (not defined $section and _is_one_word($to) and $$own_sections{$to})
258 0 0 if (defined $podfile) { }
268 0 0 unless (defined $podfile)
269 0 0 if ($$own_sections{$to})
278 0 0 if (defined $section and $section ne '')
280 0 0 unless ($$podfile_sections{$section})
281 0 0 if (my $approximations = _section_approximations($section, $podfile_sections)) { }
296 0 0 if ($$self{'verbose'} >= 2)
334 2 2 $1 eq '<' ? :
368 0 0 if ($self->$fullmethod($module))
377 0 1 unless eval { do { require CPAN; if (not $CPAN::Config_loaded and 'CPAN::HandleConfig'->can('load')) { local $CPAN::HandleConfig::loading = 1; print __x("PodLinkCheck: {module} configs\n", 'module', 'CPAN'); 'CPAN::HandleConfig'->load; } ; $result = 1 } }
380 1 0 if (not $CPAN::Config_loaded and 'CPAN::HandleConfig'->can('load'))
398 1 2 unless (defined $$self{'cpan_sqlite'})
401 1 0 if ($self->_CPAN_config)
404 1 0 unless (eval { do { require CPAN::SQLite } })
410 0 0 unless (eval { do { local $CPAN::HandleConfig::loading = 1; $$self{'cpan_sqlite'} = 'CPAN::SQLite'->new('update_indices', 0) } })
429 0 0 unless (eval { do { $result = $cpan_sqlite->query('mode', 'module', 'name', $module); 1 } })
446 1 2 unless (defined $use_CPAN)
449 1 0 if ($self->_CPAN_config)
450 0 1 unless eval { do { print __x("PodLinkCheck: load {module} for module existence checking\n", 'module', 'CPAN'); if (defined $CPAN::META and %$CPAN::META) { $use_CPAN = 1; } elsif (not 'CPAN::Index'->can('read_metadata_cache')) { print __("PodLinkCheck: no Metadata cache in this\n"); } else { local $$CPAN::Config{'use_sqlite'} = 0; 'CPAN::Index'->read_metadata_cache; if (defined $CPAN::META and %$CPAN::META) { $use_CPAN = 1; } else { print __("PodLinkCheck: empty Metadata cache\n"); } ; } ; 1 } }
454 0 1 if (defined $CPAN::META and %$CPAN::META) { }
0 1 elsif (not 'CPAN::Index'->can('read_metadata_cache')) { }
463 1 0 if (defined $CPAN::META and %$CPAN::META) { }
483 1 2 unless (defined $$self{'cpanplus'})
486 1 0 unless (eval { do { require CPANPLUS::Backend; require CPANPLUS::Configure } })
510 0 0 unless (eval { do { $result = $cpanplus->module_tree($module); 1 } })
528 0 0 if (-e $filename)
545 0 0 if (defined $$self{'PATH'}) { }
560 2 4 if ($name =~ s/\s*\((.+)\)$//)
566 0 6 if (defined $$r)
572 0 6 $self->_man_has_location_option ? :
594 0 1 if ($$self{'verbose'} >= 2)
595 0 0 if ($ret) { }
610 0 0 unless (eval { do { IPC::Run::run(['man', '--location', @manargs], '<', \(undef), '>', \$str, '2>', 'File::Spec'->devnull); 1 } })
623 0 0 $str =~ /\n/ ? :
633 6 0 unless (eval { do { IPC::Run::run(['man', @manargs], '<', \(undef), '>', $fh, '2>', 'File::Spec'->devnull); 1 } })
648 0 0 unless (defined <$fh>)