Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 108 144 75.0

line true false branch
88 29 0 if ($self->can('preserve_whitespace')) { }
110 1 28 if ($self->{'opt_stderr'} and not $self->{'opt_errors'})
116 24 5 unless (defined $self->{'opt_errors'})
119 3 26 if ($self->{'opt_errors'} eq 'stderr' or $self->{'opt_errors'} eq 'die') { }
25 1 elsif ($self->{'opt_errors'} eq 'pod') { }
1 0 elsif ($self->{'opt_errors'} eq 'none') { }
122 1 2 if ($self->{'opt_errors'} eq 'die')
136 28 1 unless defined $self->{'opt_alt'}
137 29 0 unless defined $self->{'opt_indent'}
138 28 1 unless defined $self->{'opt_margin'}
139 29 0 unless defined $self->{'opt_loose'}
140 24 5 unless defined $self->{'opt_sentence'}
141 29 0 unless defined $self->{'opt_width'}
145 0 29 if ($self->{'opt_quotes'} eq 'none') { }
28 1 elsif (length $self->{'opt_quotes'} == 1) { }
1 0 elsif (length($self->{'opt_quotes'}) % 2 == 0) { }
158 1 28 if $self->{'opt_code'}
209 994 108 if ($self->can("cmd_$method")) { }
106 2 elsif ($self->can("start_$method")) { }
226 994 108 if ($self->can("cmd_$method")) { }
106 2 elsif ($self->can("end_$method")) { }
230 994 0 if (defined $text)
231 344 650 if (@{$self->{'PENDING'};} > 1) { }
258 39 0 if (s/^([^\n]{0,$width})\s+// or s/^([^\n]{$width})//) { }
277 1 464 if ($self->{'opt_sentence'}) { }
295 1243 0 if ($NBSP)
298 1243 0 if ($SHY)
301 1223 20 unless ($self->{'opt_utf8'})
303 5 1218 if ($encoding and $encoding ne $self->{'ENCODING'})
308 0 1243 if ($self->{'ENCODE'}) { }
327 1 39 if ($attrs->{'contentless'} and not $self->{'ALWAYS_EMIT_SOMETHING'}) { }
347 2 38 if ($self->{'opt_utf8'})
352 2 0 if ($flag & 32768)
366 1 39 if ($self->{'complain_die'} and $self->errors_seen)
393 0 136 unless (defined $tag)
402 0 136 unless defined $indent
409 39 97 if (not $text or $text =~ /^\s+$/ or not $fits) { }
413 2 37 if $self->{'opt_alt'} and $indent > 0
420 4 35 if $text and $text =~ /^\s*$/
424 22 17 if $text and $text =~ /\S/
427 2 95 if $self->{'opt_alt'}
429 2 95 if $self->{'opt_alt'} and $indent > 0
431 0 97 unless $text =~ s/^($space)$tagspace/$1$tag/
441 87 307 if (defined $self->{'ITEM'}) { }
453 0 22 if defined $self->{'ITEM'}
454 0 22 if $text =~ /^\s*$/
479 0 79 if defined $self->{'ITEM'}
481 1 78 if ($self->{'opt_alt'}) { }
486 0 78 if $self->{'opt_loose'}
526 0 66 if defined $self->{'ITEM'}
530 0 66 unless (defined $indent and $indent =~ /^\s*[-+]?\d{1,4}\s*$/)
544 4 62 if defined $self->{'ITEM'}
563 13 123 if defined $self->{'ITEM'}
571 16 120 if ($type eq 'bullet') { }
16 104 elsif ($type eq 'number') { }
583 32 104 if ($text)
601 0 10 $_[0]{'alt'} ? :
602 0 6 $_[0]{'alt'} ? :
619 8 105 if $text =~ m[ ^\s* (?: ( [\'\`\"] ) .* \1 # already quoted | \` .* \' # `quoted' | \$+ [\#^]? \S $index # special ($^Foo, $") | [\$\@%&*]+ \#? [:\'\w]+ $index # plain var or func | [\$\@%&*]* [:\'\w]+ (?: -> )? \(\s*[^\s,]\s*\) # 0/1-arg func call | [+-]? ( \d[\d.]* | \.\d+ ) (?: [eE][+-]?\d+ )? # a number | 0x [a-fA-F\d]+ # a hex constant ) \s*\z ]ox
635 0 105 $self->{'opt_alt'} ? :
643 6 104 if ($attrs->{'type'} eq 'url') { }
644 3 3 if (not defined $attrs->{'to'} or $attrs->{'to'} eq $text) { }
1 2 elsif ($self->{'opt_nourls'}) { }
670 0 0 if ($flag eq '-a') { }
0 0 elsif ($flag =~ /^-(\d+)$/) { }
685 0 1 if (defined $_[1]) { }
688 0 0 unless (open IN, $fhs[0])
712 1 33 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
714 1 0 if (defined $opts->{'-cutting'} and not $opts->{'-cutting'})
749 0 39 unless (defined $self->{'output_fh'})
760 0 126 unless (defined $self->{'output_fh'})
769 0 2 unless (defined $self->{'output_fh'})