Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 21 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
395 0 0 0 $$self{'_Skipping'} && $$self{'_PastName'}
535 0 0 0 length $text > 30 and $$self{'_inTextBlock'}
660 0 0 0 $paragraph =~ /$$self{'SkipUntil'}/ and $command =~ /head/i
664 0 0 0 defined $$self{'SkipFrom'} and $paragraph =~ /$$self{'SkipFrom'}/
0 0 0 defined $$self{'SkipFrom'} and $paragraph =~ /$$self{'SkipFrom'}/ and $command =~ /head/i
712 0 0 0 $$self{'_CURRENT_HEAD1'} =~ /^NAME/i and $self->ReplaceNAMEwithSection
1206 0 0 0 ref $node and $node->isa('Pod::InteriorSequence')