Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 61 70 87.1

line true false branch
20 1 9 unless defined $r1 or defined $r2
23 20 390 if defined $r1 xor defined $r2
27 90 300 if (not $ref1 || $ref2) { }
77 223 elsif ($ref1 eq $ref2) { }
116 107 elsif ($ref1 and $ref2) { }
30 2 88 if ($is_num1 xor $is_num2) { }
53 35 elsif ($is_num1) { }
45 12 65 if ($ref1 ~~ ['Regexp', 'GLOB', 'CODE']) { }
12 53 elsif ($ref1 eq 'ARRAY') { }
27 26 elsif ($ref1 eq 'HASH') { }
14 12 elsif ($ref1 ~~ ['SCALAR', 'REF']) { }
67 6 110 if ($is_overloaded1 and $is_overloaded2) { }
80 73 34 $ref1 ? :
83 20 87 if ($is_overloaded) { }
85 20 0 $ref1 ? :
98 3 9 if @$r1 != @$r2
101 2 22 unless are_equal($$r1[$i], $$r2[$i])
110 4 23 unless \%$r1 ~~ \%$r2
114 7 16 unless are_equal($$r1{$key}, $$r2{$key})
123 0 48 unless ref $_[0]
126 0 48 if $str and $num
127 0 27 unless $str or $num
128 21 27 if $str
129 27 0 if $num
140 0 14 unless $type1 and $type2
142 0 14 if ($type1 eq 'both' and $type2 eq 'both') { }
6 8 elsif ($type1 eq 'num' and $type2 eq 'str' or $type1 eq 'str' and $type2 eq 'num') { }
5 3 elsif ('num' ~~ [$type1, $type2]) { }
3 0 elsif ('str' ~~ [$type1, $type2]) { }
152 2 4 $type1 eq 'num' ? :
173 4 8 if (not $is_overloaded) { }
195 0 20 unless $type
197 10 10 if ($scalar->is_number) { }
198 4 6 if ($type eq 'str') { }
206 5 5 if ($type eq 'num') { }