Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 26 92.3

line true false branch
34 5 1 wantarray ? :
43 21 2 unless $class eq 'UNIVERSAL'
46 22 1 wantarray ? :
64 2 10 $$opts{'just_mine'} ? :
68 8 18 if $exclude{$class} and $class ne $top
73 0 1041 unless ref \$glob eq 'GLOB'
74 722 319 unless my $code = *{$glob;}{'CODE'}
76 6 313 if $sig and not $sig->is_method
81 5 7 wantarray ? :
122 1 9 unless $fq_method
126 1 8 unless $class->isa($parent)
135 8 4 if $class eq $parent
141 8 0 if $code