Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 34 79.4

line true false branch
146 2 8 if ref $i eq 'CODE'
147 3 5 if ref $i eq 'Regexp'
157 1 17 exists $args{-'cleanee'} ? :
162 2 4 ref $args{-'also'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
6 12 exists $args{-'also'} ? :
168 1 2 ref $args{-'except'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
3 15 exists $args{-'except'} ? :
179 84 3 if not &first(sub { &$runtest($_, $method); } , @except)
188 0 18 if (defined &Class::MOP::class_of and my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($package)) { }
192 0 0 if $meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role') and 'Moose'->VERSION < 0.9
194 0 0 unless $_[0] =~ /^\(/
197 14 0 $package->can('DOES') ? :
4 14 $package->can('does') ? :
202 5 79 if $_[0] =~ /^\(/
205 40 39 if $code_stash eq $package
206 0 39 if $code_stash eq 'constant'
208 4 35 if $does and eval { do { $package->$does($code_stash) } }