Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 22 95.4

line true false branch
53 1 107 if (my(@nometa) = grep({not mop::meta($_);} @{$self->roles;}))
62 0 12 unless $args{'name'}
96 54 70 if $role->name eq $name or $role->does_role($name)
174 74 375 if @{$self->roles;}
177 363 82 if ($self->isa('mop::class'))
178 8 355 if $self->required_methods and not $self->is_abstract
189 355 82 if $self->isa('mop::class') and defined $self->superclass
195 515 61 if ($self->isa('mop::class'))
196 1192 18 $_ ? :
204 47 468 if (my $super = $super_methods[0])
212 555 20 ref $method eq 'mop::method' && !$method->has_events ? :