Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 34 76.4

line true false branch
79 4 1 if ($params{'input'}) { }
80 1 3 unless $in_fh = 'IO::File'->new($params{'input'}, '<')
90 3 1 if ($params{'output'}) { }
91 0 3 unless $out_fh = 'IO::File'->new($params{'output'}, '>')
99 3 1 if @{$$self{'_parsed'};}
101 0 4 unless $in_fh->close
102 0 4 unless $out_fh->close
116 1 1 if @{$$self{'_parsed'};}
149 0 160 if not $_ and $$self{'skipblanks'}
151 4 156 if /$RD_END_MARK/
153 36 124 if ($inrobodoc and /$RD_TAG_REGEX/)
158 0 36 if $insource and not $$self{'keepsource'}
164 104 20 if ($inrobodoc and $tag)
166 0 104 if $insource and not $$self{'keepsource'}
168 0 104 $insource ? :
172 4 120 if (/$RD_BEGIN_MARK/)
201 0 36 if ($$tag{'tag'} eq 'SOURCE') { }