Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 201 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
864 0 0 ++$filtered and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
144 0 0 0 $error_code and not grep({$error_code == $_;} @accept)
180 0 0 0 defined $config_file and $config_file ne ''
0 0 0 defined $config_file and $config_file ne '' and not defined $repo_name_detection
207 0 0 0 $setting =~ /^\Q$config_prefix\E\./ and $repo_name
216 0 0 0 $config_file && $setting =~ /^\Q$config_prefix\E\./
246 0 0 0 not $error_code and $res
367 0 0 0 $ref_data{'category'} eq 'tag' and $ref_data{'type'} eq 'object'
467 0 0 0 $name ne 'HEAD' and exists $name2commit{$name}
475 0 0 0 $DEBUG and $name ne 'HEAD'
491 0 0 0 $name ne 'HEAD' and exists $name2sha1{$name}
513 0 0 0 $$name_data{'category'} eq 'tag' and $$name_data{'type'} eq 'object'
612 0 0 0 $find_all and $find_all eq 'first'
756 0 0 0 $action =~ /fetch/ and $error == 1
763 0 0 0 $VERBOSE and $res
843 0 0 0 $$opts{'prefix'} and not $$opts{'tag_only'}
864 0 0 0 $$opts{'prefix'} and not $name =~ /^$$opts{'prefix'}-[0-9]+/
866 0 0 0 $$opts{'count'} and $$opts{'count'} < ++$count
873 0 0 0 $$opts{'action'} && $$opts{'action'} eq 'showtag'
899 0 0 0 @$array and @$array > $count
901 0 0 0 $$opts{'count'} && $$opts{'count'} < @$array - $filtered
938 0 0 0 $message && @$message
965 0 0 0 $file and -e $file
971 0 0 0 not $skip_check and !defined($sha1) || $sha1 ne get_commit_for_name('HEAD')
1076 0 0 0 $tag and $sha1
0 0 0 $tag and $sha1 and $sha1 eq get_commit_for_name($tag)
1121 0 0 0 $sysadmin_lock and -e $sysadmin_lock
0 0 0 $sysadmin_lock and -e $sysadmin_lock and not $force
1205 0 0 0 $file[0] && $file[0] =~ /^start:/
1208 0 0 0 $status eq 'sync' and @file != 1
1212 0 0 0 @file == 2 and not $file[1] =~ /^(sync|release|manual-sync):/
1223 0 0 0 @file == 2 and not $file[1] =~ /^(sync|release|manual-sync):/
1304 0 0 0 @cherry and not $force
1324 0 0 0 $VERBOSE and $VERBOSE > 1
1326 0 0 0 $expect and not $result =~ /$expect/
1328 0 0 0 $expect and $VERBOSE
0 0 0 $expect and $VERBOSE and $VERBOSE > 1
1361 0 0 0 $root && -e $root
1363 0 0 0 $VERBOSE and $VERBOSE > 1
1368 0 0 0 $VERBOSE and $VERBOSE > 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
374 0 0 $commit{$commitname} ||= {'sha1', $info{'%(*objectname)'}, 'author', {'author', $info{'%(*author)'}, 'date', $info{'%(*authordate:iso)'}, 'email', $info{'%(*authoremail)'}, 'name', $info{'%(*authorname)'}}, 'committer', {'committer', $info{'%(*committer)'}, 'date', $info{'%(*committerdate:iso)'}, 'email', $info{'%(*committeremail)'}, 'name', $info{'%(*committername)'}}, 'parent', [split(/\s+/, $info{'%(*parent)'}, 0)], 'tree', $info{'%(*tree)'}, 'message', {'body', $info{'%(*body)'}, 'subject', $info{'%(*subject)'}, 'contents', $info{'%(*contents)'}}}
399 0 0 $commit{$commitname} ||= {'sha1', $info{'%(objectname)'}, 'author', {'author', $info{'%(author)'}, 'date', $info{'%(authordate:iso)'}, 'email', $info{'%(authoremail)'}, 'name', $info{'%(authorname)'}}, 'committer', {'committer', $info{'%(committer)'}, 'date', $info{'%(committerdate:iso)'}, 'email', $info{'%(committeremail)'}, 'name', $info{'%(committername)'}}, 'parent', [split(/\s+/, $info{'%(parent)'}, 0)], 'tree', $info{'%(tree)'}, 'message', {'body', $info{'%(body)'}, 'subject', $info{'%(subject)'}, 'contents', $info{'%(contents)'}}}
478 0 0 $sha1 ||= ''
499 0 0 $sha1 ||= ''
534 0 0 $2 || ''
547 0 0 $2 || ''
593 0 0 $special{$a} || 100
0 0 $special{$b} || 100
747 0 0 $remote_branch ||= ''
968 0 0 $deploy_file_text ||= ''
1164 0 0 shift() || 'It looks like somethings wrong:'
1238 0 0 get_current_branch() || '(no branch)'
1454 0 0 $args{'ignore_exit_code'} || 0
1481 0 0 $args{'log_announce'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
96 0 0 0 not $gitdir or $gitdir =~ /Not a git repository/
329 0 0 0 $info{'%(*objectname)'} || $info{'%(objectname)'}
443 0 0 0 $$all{$name} || $$all{"tags/$name"} || $$all{"heads/$name"} || $$all{"remotes/$name"}
742 0 0 0 not $remote_site or $remote_site eq 'none'
833 0 0 0 not $$opts{'prefix'} or $name =~ /^$$opts{'prefix'}/
0 0 0 not $seen_sha1{$sha1} or (not $$opts{'prefix'} or $name =~ /^$$opts{'prefix'}/)
911 0 0 0 @$array or $$opts{'tag_only'}
920 0 0 0 $file ||= get_config('deploy-file', '.deploy')
971 0 0 0 !defined($sha1) || $sha1 ne get_commit_for_name('HEAD')
1117 0 0 0 $msg ||= get_config('block-reason', '')
1205 0 0 0 not $file[0] && $file[0] =~ /^start:/ or @file > 2
1282 0 0 0 $remote_branch ||= get_current_branch()
1424 0 0 0 /\.bak\z/ || /~\z/
1451 0 0 0 $args{'action'} || _die('Missing action argument')
1452 0 0 0 $args{'phase'} || _die('Missing phase argument')
1453 0 0 0 $args{'prefix'} || _die('Missing prefix argument')
1479 0 0 0 $args{'log_level'} || _die('Missing log_level argument')
1480 0 0 0 $args{'log_message'} || _die('Missing log_message argument')