Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 70 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if ($logline)
25 0 0 if ($logline =~ /NetScreen device_id/ and $logline =~ /action=/) { }
0 0 elsif ($logline =~ / # This should also work for syslog formatted CP logs # which is why there's no start of line anchor "^". \d\d?:\d\d?:\d\d?\s # HH:MM:SS (accept|drop|reject|encrypt|decrypt)\s # action /x) { }
0 0 elsif ($logline =~ /%(PIX|FWSM)-\d+-\d+:/) { }
0 0 elsif ($logline =~ /Packet log:/) { }
0 0 elsif ($logline =~ /kernel:\sRULE\s\d+\s--/) { }
0 0 elsif ($logline =~ /ipmon\[\d+\]:\s/) { }
0 0 elsif ($logline =~ /\spf:\s/) { }
104 0 0 if (open PROTOCOLS, '/etc/protocols') { }
106 0 0 unless (/^#/)
130 0 0 if (open SERVICES, '
132 0 0 unless (/^#/)
161 0 0 if ($logline =~ /tcp|mss|win \d+$/)
177 0 0 if ($logline =~ /\[\|domain\]$/ or $logline =~ /\[\|isakmp\]$/ or $logline =~ / NTPv\d, / or $logline =~ / SYSLOG / or $logline =~ / UDP, / or $logline =~ / SIP, / or $logline =~ / NBT UDP PACKET/)
199 0 0 if ($logline =~ / ICMP (.+), /)
228 0 0 if ($protocol eq 'icmp') { }
271 0 0 if ($protocol eq 'icmp') { }
275 0 0 if ($logline =~ / icmp-type /)
280 0 0 if ($logline =~ / icmp-code /)
315 0 0 if ($logline =~ m[ %PIX-6-30201[35]:\s Built\s(in|out)bound\s([\d\w]+)\sconnection\s\d+\s for\s.+:(.+)/(\d+)(?:\s\(.+\))?\s to\s.+:(.+)/(\d+)\s.* ]x)
329 0 0 if ($1 eq 'in') { }
337 0 0 if ($logline =~ / %PIX-5-304001:\s (.+) \sAccessed\sURL\s (.+): /x)
354 0 0 if ($logline =~ m[ %PIX-6-106015:\sDeny\s (\w+)\s\(.+\)\s from\s(.+)/\d+\s to\s(.+)/(\d+)\s ]x)
371 0 0 if ($logline =~ m[ #%PIX-3-305005:\sNo\stranslation\sgroup\sfound\sfor\s #(\w+)\ssrc\s.+: #(.+)/\d+\sdst\s.+: #(.+)/(\d+) %PIX-3-305005:\sNo\stranslation\sgroup\sfound\sfor\s (\w+)\ssrc\s.+: ([-._\d\w]+)(?:/\d+)?\sdst\s.+: ([-._\d\w]+)(?:/(\d+)|\s\((.+)\)) ]x)
397 0 0 if ($logline =~ m[ %PIX-3-106011:\sDeny\sinbound\s\(No\sxlate\)\s (\w+)\ssrc\s.+: ([-._\d\w]+)(?:/\d+)?\sdst\s.+: ([-._\d\w]+)(?:/(\d+)|\s\((.+)\)) ]x)
416 0 0 if ($action and $source and $destination and $protocol and $port) { }
462 0 0 if ($action eq 'p') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'b') { }
471 0 0 if ($protocol eq 'icmp') { }
486 0 0 if ($sourcePort < 1024)
487 0 0 if ($port > 1023)
493 0 0 if ($sourcePort < $port)
518 0 0 if ($protocol eq 'icmp') { }
531 0 0 if ($logline =~ /REDIRECT/) { }
545 0 0 if ($action == '-')