Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 27 25.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
315 3 0 0 ref $$parent{$alias} and ref $$parent{$alias} eq 'ARRAY'
335 18 0 0 length $thislastval == 0 and defined $$here{$alias}
18 0 0 length $thislastval == 0 and defined $$here{$alias} and length $$here{$alias}
367 0 0 0 $tag eq 'img' and not defined $$here{'altimage'}
0 0 0 $tag eq 'a' and not defined $$here{'altlink'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
279 0 4 0 $v =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/s or $v =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/s
299 22 1 22 $closing or $empty
364 0 0 0 $tag eq 'p' or $tag eq 'br'
384 0 0 0 $v =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/s or $v =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/s