Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 51 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
151 0 0 0 defined $$self{'winP'} && !defined($$self{'pval'})
228 0 0 0 $winSta - $$self{'end'} - 1 <= $$gdt{'gap'} && $$rwin{'dirn'} eq $$self{'dirn'}
472 0 0 0 $$gdt{'bkgEnr'} and $$gdt{'useBkg'} > 0
479 0 0 0 $c and $btr_m
0 0 0 $c and $btr_m and $c / $btr_m <= $$gdt{'useBkg'}
486 0 0 0 $c and $bco_m
0 0 0 $c and $bco_m and $c / $bco_m <= $$gdt{'useBkg'}
528 0 0 0 defined $$self{'rsumTr'} and defined $$self{'rsumCo'}
534 0 0 0 $tr_m == 0 and $co_m == 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
469 0 0 0 @{$$gdt{'bedTr'};} == 0 or @{$$gdt{'bedCo'};} == 0
479 0 0 0 not $c or $c and $btr_m and $c / $btr_m <= $$gdt{'useBkg'}
486 0 0 0 not $c or $c and $bco_m and $c / $bco_m <= $$gdt{'useBkg'}
496 0 0 0 not $rawcnt or $rawcnt <= $$gdt{'meanTr'}[$i] + $$gdt{'nsd'} * $$gdt{'stdTr'}[$i]
506 0 0 0 not $rawcnt or $rawcnt <= $$gdt{'meanCo'}[$i] + $$gdt{'nsd'} * $$gdt{'stdCo'}[$i]
514 0 0 0 $tagTr || $tagCo
527 0 0 0 @{$$self{'tr_cnt'};} == 0 or @{$$self{'co_cnt'};} == 0
544 0 0 0 $meth eq 'gt' or $meth eq 'cs'