Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 132 0.0

line true false branch
32 0 0 if $obj->{'-config'}->connection_dir
34 0 0 unless -d $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.dbman/connections"
42 0 0 if $ENV{'DBMAN_GROUPDIR'}
44 0 0 unless -d $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.dbman/groups"
58 0 0 unless -d $gdir
60 0 0 unless -f "$gdir/$name"
71 0 0 if (-d $sdir)
92 0 0 unless -d $cdir
99 0 0 if $obj->{'-config'}->current_connection
112 0 0 unless -d $cdir
114 0 0 unless -f "$cdir/$name"
119 0 0 if ($lcfg->group)
124 0 0 if $processed_groups{$_}
126 0 0 unless $lcfg->merge($obj->get_group($_))
138 0 0 if lc $lcfg->auto_login eq "yes"
147 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}
148 0 0 if $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'-logged'}
149 0 0 unless grep {$_ eq $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'driver'};} $obj->driverlist
154 0 0 if ($obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'driver'} eq "Oracle")
158 0 0 if ($obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'config'})
160 0 0 if (/^\s*(\S+?)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/l)
162 0 0 if $var eq "AutoCommit"
163 0 0 if $val =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/l or $val =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/l
176 0 0 unless defined $dbi
194 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}
195 0 0 unless $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'-logged'}
197 0 0 if $obj->{'current'} eq $name
210 0 0 if ($obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'-logged'})
231 0 0 if $what eq "inactive" and $r{'-logged'} or $what eq "active" and not $r{'-logged'}
242 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
243 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$obj->{'current'}}
250 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
251 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$obj->{'current'}}
258 0 0 if $obj->{'current'} eq $name
260 0 0 unless ($name)
262 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}
263 0 0 unless $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'-logged'}
276 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}
277 0 0 if $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{'-logged'}
286 0 0 if exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}
289 0 0 if lc $parms{'auto_login'} eq "yes"
297 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}
300 0 0 unless -d $cdir
301 0 0 unless -d $cdir
303 0 0 unless CORE::open F, ">$cdir/$name"
307 0 0 if exists $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{$_} and $obj->{'connections'}{$name}{$_} ne ""
319 0 0 unless -d $cdir
321 0 0 unless -e "$cdir/$name"
323 0 0 if -e "$cdir/$name"
331 0 0 unless -d $cdir
338 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
345 0 0 if $long
351 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
357 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
363 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
369 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
375 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
383 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
384 0 0 unless exists $obj->{'connections'}{$obj->{'current'}}
385 0 0 unless $obj->{'connections'}{$obj->{'current'}}{'-logged'}
386 0 0 unless defined $obj->{'connections'}{$obj->{'current'}}{'-dbi'}
395 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
402 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
408 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}
415 0 0 unless $obj->{'current'}