Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 54 0.0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
43 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
44 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('new'), "'${this}' has new constructor method") || $t->diag(" '${this}' missing new constructor")
54 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
55 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('set') && $this->can('get'), "'${this}' can set, get") || $t->diag(" '${this}' missing set, get")
65 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
68 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('DECL') && defined ${$this . '::DECL';}, "'${this}' has DECL") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not have a DECL declaration")
75 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
78 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('CLASS') && defined ${$this . '::CLASS';}, "'${this}' has CLASS constant") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not have a CLASS constant")
85 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
89 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('MIXIN') && scalar %{${$this . '::MIXIN';};}, "'${this}' has MIXINs") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not have a CLASS constant")
96 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
100 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('MIXIN') && ref ${$this . '::MIXIN';} eq 'HASH', "'${this}' has MIXIN hash defined") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not have a MIXIN hash")
107 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
108 0 0 0 $t->ok(&can_new($this) && &has_class_const($this) && &has_decl($this), "'${this}' is a classes class") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not look like a classes class")
118 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
119 0 0 0 $t->ok($this->can('throw') && $this->can('rethrow') && $this->can('send') && $this->can('catch') && $this->can('caught') && $this->can('capture'), "'${this}' fulfills the classes::Throwable interface") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not fulfill the classes::Throwable interface")
132 0 0 0 blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]
133 0 0 0 $t->ok(&is_classes($this) && $this->can('as_string') && like($this->new->as_string, qr/^$this/, 'as_string matches') && &is_throwable($this), "'${this}' is a classes::Exception class") || $t->diag(" '${this}' does not look like a classes::Exception class")