Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 60 140 42.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
161 271 0 0 $$main::context{'multiline_comment'} and $$k{'var'} =~ m[\G.*?(\*/)?]cgs
167 87 184 0 not $$k{'macro'} and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G#/
187 53 19 10 $$k{'parameters'} and exists $$k{'parameters'}{$1}
0 64 8 $simple and exists $main::defines{$1}
209 0 165 24 $full and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G\(\s*/cgs
211 2 0 22 length $$k{'last_id'} and $main::macros{$$k{'last_id'}}
233 0 88 24 $full and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G(\s*\))/cgs
239 2 0 22 length $id and $main::macros{$id}
248 0 72 16 $full and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G(\s*,\s*)/cgs
251 2 0 14 length $$k{'ids'}[-1][0] and $main::macros{$$k{'ids'}[-1][0]}
2 0 14 length $$k{'ids'}[-1][0] and $main::macros{$$k{'ids'}[-1][0]} and @{$$k{'run_stack'};}
262 46 21 5 $$k{'macro'} and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G\#(?:(\#\s*)|(\s*)(\w+)|(.*))/cgs
263 1 0 1 defined $3 and exists $$k{'parameters'}{$3}
266 0 3 3 $minus < pos $$k{'var'} and substr($$k{'var'}, pos($$k{'var'}) - $minus - 1, 1) eq ' '
288 0 66 1 $full and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G'[^']*'/cgs
296 51 0 0 not $full and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G[\(\)\']+/cgs
349 12 55 3 1 == @output and $output[0] eq ''
549 1 0 0 exists $main::macros{$def} and defined $main::macros{$def}{'var'}
559 1 0 0 exists $main::defines{$def} and defined $main::defines{$def}{'var'}
703 1 3 1 not $ellipsis and @params
746 0 39 63 not $$main::context{'multiline_comment'} and $l =~ s/^#//
6 0 33 $$main::context{'ifdef'}[-1]{'state'} and parse_line($h, $l)
787 0 1 0 $dominus and $d =~ s/^-//
788 0 0 0 $d eq 'I' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n")
0 0 0 $d eq 'I' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n") and $ARGV[++$i] =~ /(.*)/
0 0 0 $d eq 'D' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n")
0 0 0 $d eq 'D' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n") and $ARGV[++$i] =~ /(.*)/
0 0 0 $d eq 'o' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n")
0 0 0 $d eq 'o' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n") and $ARGV[++$i] =~ /(.*)/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
154 6 46 pos $$k{'var'} || 0
788 0 0 defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n")
0 0 defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n")
0 0 defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
140 45 2 0 $_[0] || new_line_handle()
167 0 0 271 $$k{'var'} =~ /\G--/ or not $$k{'macro'} and $$k{'var'} =~ /\G#/
358 1 0 29 $$handle{'ellipsis'} or not defined $$handle{'num'}
1 29 0 $$handle{'ellipsis'} or not defined $$handle{'num'} or $$handle{'num'} == scalar @params
510 1 11 2 $heredoc or length $$main::context{'buf'}
533 0 0 0 join(':', keys %{$$ref{'parameters'};}) ne join(':', @params) || $$ref{'var'} ne $$v{'var'}
605 0 0 0 0 == $#{$$main::context{'ifdef'};} or @{$$main::context{'ifdef'}[-1]{'passive'};}
628 0 0 6 0 == $#{$$main::context{'ifdef'};} or @{$$main::context{'ifdef'}[-1]{'passive'};}
636 0 0 7 0 == $#{$$main::context{'ifdef'};} or @{$$main::context{'ifdef'}[-1]{'passive'};}
699 0 5 0 $heredoc or length $$main::context{'buf'}
788 0 0 0 $d =~ /^I(.+)/ or $d eq 'I' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n") and $ARGV[++$i] =~ /(.*)/
0 0 0 $d =~ /^D(.+)/ or $d eq 'D' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n") and $ARGV[++$i] =~ /(.*)/
0 0 0 $d =~ /^o(.+)/ or $d eq 'o' and defined $ARGV[$i + 1] || die("Argument required\n") and $ARGV[++$i] =~ /(.*)/
0 0 0 $d eq '?' or $d eq 'h'
0 0 0 $d eq '?' or $d eq 'h' or $d eq '-help'