Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 38 81.5

line true false branch
73 1 2 unless ('Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok or 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok)
80 2 0 if ('Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Basic'->can_continue(@results) and 'Zonemaster::Engine'->can_continue) { }
85 1 9 unless (_policy_allowed($mod))
93 2 7 if ($@)
95 1 1 if (&blessed($err) and $err->isa('Zonemaster::Engine::Exception')) { }
118 9 52 if not $module and lc $requested eq 'basic'
124 1 60 unless ('Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok or 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok)
128 60 0 if ('Zonemaster::Engine'->can_continue) { }
129 59 1 if ($module) { }
134 1 58 if ($@)
136 1 0 if (&blessed($err) and $err->isa('Zonemaster::Engine::Exception')) { }
161 18 166 if not $module and lc $requested eq 'basic'
168 35 149 unless ('Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok or 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok)
172 149 0 if ('Zonemaster::Engine'->can_continue) { }
173 148 1 if ($module) { }
176 147 1 if ($m->metadata->{$test}) { }
179 1 146 if ($@)
181 1 0 if (&blessed($err) and $err->isa('Zonemaster::Engine::Exception')) { }
202 0 0 if (ref $arg eq 'Zonemaster::Engine::Zone')