Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 104 78.8

line true false branch
27 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone01')
28 7 0 if (&none(sub { $_->tag eq 'NO_RESPONSE_SOA_QUERY'; } , @results))
30 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone02')
31 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone03')
32 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone04')
33 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone05')
34 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone06')
35 7 0 if (&none(sub { $_->tag eq 'MNAME_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST'; } , @results))
36 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone07')
39 7 0 if (&none(sub { $_->tag eq 'MNAME_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST'; } , @results))
40 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone08')
41 7 0 if (&none(sub { $_->tag eq 'NO_RESPONSE_MX_QUERY'; } , @results))
42 7 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('zone09')
184 9 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
187 1 8 if (not $soa_mname) { }
195 1 7 if (_is_ip_version_disabled($ns))
200 6 1 if ($p_soa and $p_soa->rcode eq 'NOERROR') { }
201 1 5 unless ($p_soa->aa)
222 4 4 if (&none(sub { $_ eq $soa_mname; } , @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method2($zone);}))
232 4 5 unless (scalar @results)
255 7 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
257 2 5 if ($soa_refresh < $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::SOA_REFRESH_MINIMUM_VALUE) { }
289 7 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
292 3 4 if ($soa_retry >= $soa_refresh) { }
324 7 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
326 1 6 if ($soa_retry < $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::SOA_RETRY_MINIMUM_VALUE) { }
358 7 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
361 4 3 if ($soa_expire < $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::SOA_EXPIRE_MINIMUM_VALUE)
370 4 3 if ($soa_expire < $soa_refresh)
379 3 4 unless (scalar @results)
403 7 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
405 1 6 if ($soa_minimum > $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::SOA_DEFAULT_TTL_MAXIMUM_VALUE) { }
1 5 elsif ($soa_minimum < $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::SOA_DEFAULT_TTL_MINIMUM_VALUE) { }
447 7 1 if ($p and my($soa) = $p->get_records('SOA', 'answer')) { }
453 14 0 if ($p_mname)
454 6 8 if ($p_mname->has_rrs_of_type_for_name($address_type, $soa_mname))
457 2 12 if ($p_mname->has_rrs_of_type_for_name('CNAME', $soa_mname)) { }
475 2 5 unless ($addresses_nb)
497 7 0 if ($p) { }
498 0 7 if ($p->has_rrs_of_type_for_name('CNAME', $zone->name)) { }
519 8 0 if ($p) { }
520 5 3 if (not $p->has_rrs_of_type_for_name('MX', $zone->name)) { }
523 4 1 if (not +(defined $p_a || defined $p_aaaa) && (defined $p_a && $p_a->has_rrs_of_type_for_name('A', $zone->name) || defined $p_aaaa && $p_aaaa->has_rrs_of_type_for_name('AAAA', $zone->name))) { }
532 1 0 defined $p_a ? :
533 0 1 defined $p_aaaa ? :
534 0 1 $_ =~ /:/msux ? :
547 4 4 unless (scalar @results)
564 1 71 if (_is_ip_version_disabled($ns))
570 52 19 if (defined $p and scalar $p->get_records($type, 'answer') > 0)
571 52 0 if $p->aa
581 0 80 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok and $ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::IP_VERSION_4)
586 2 78 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok and $ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Zone::IP_VERSION_6)