Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 80 80.0

line true false branch
30 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation01')
31 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation02')
32 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation03')
33 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation04')
34 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation05')
35 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation06')
36 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('delegation07')
144 5 1 if (scalar @parent_nsnames >= $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NAMESERVERS) { }
167 5 1 if (scalar @child_nsnames >= $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NAMESERVERS) { }
191 5 1 if (scalar @all_nsnames >= $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NAMESERVERS) { }
225 17 21 if $nsnames_and_ip{$local_ns->name->string . '/' . $local_ns->address->short}
234 2 17 if (scalar @{$ips{$local_ip};} > 1)
245 5 1 if (scalar keys %ips and not scalar @results)
264 36 50 if $nsnames_and_ip{$local_ns->name->string . '/' . $local_ns->address->short}
265 6 44 if ($zone->is_in_zone($local_ns->name->string))
282 2 5 if (@needs_v4_glue)
288 1 6 if (@needs_v6_glue)
295 0 7 if ($size > $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::UDP_PAYLOAD_LIMIT) { }
326 0 38 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::IP_VERSION_6)
338 0 38 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::IP_VERSION_4)
350 23 15 if $nsnames{$local_ns->name->string}
354 27 3 if ($p)
355 2 25 if (not $p->aa) { }
356 1 1 $usevc ? :
373 5 0 if (scalar @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method4($zone);} || scalar @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method5($zone);} and not scalar @results and scalar @authoritatives)
404 30 0 if ($p)
405 0 30 if ($p->has_rrs_of_type_for_name('CNAME', $zone->name))
419 6 0 if (scalar @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method2($zone);} || scalar @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method3($zone);} and not scalar @results)
443 0 38 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::IP_VERSION_6)
455 0 38 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::IP_VERSION_4)
467 23 15 if $nsnames{$local_ns->name->string}
470 14 1 if ($p and $p->rcode eq 'NOERROR')
471 1 13 unless ($p->get_records($query_type, 'answer'))
484 5 1 if (scalar @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method4($zone);} || scalar @{'Zonemaster::Engine::TestMethods'->method5($zone);} and not scalar @results)
514 1 5 if (@extra_name_parent)
523 1 5 if (@extra_name_child)
532 5 1 if (@extra_name_parent == 0 and @extra_name_child == 0)
541 1 5 if (scalar @same_name == 0)
564 1 6 if $name eq '.'
568 21 7 if $len > $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Delegation::LABEL_MAX_LENGTH