Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 42 80.9

line true false branch
26 6 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('address01')
27 5 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('address02')
29 3 2 if (&any(sub { $_->tag eq 'NAMESERVERS_IP_WITH_REVERSE'; } , @results))
30 3 0 if 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('address03')
90 38 25 if ($ip->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Address::IP_VERSION_4) { }
25 0 elsif ($ip->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Address::IP_VERSION_6) { }
98 32 955 if ($ip->overlaps(do { $ip_details }->{'ip'}))
115 29 31 if $ips{$local_ns->address->short}
119 1 30 if ($ip_details_ref)
136 5 1 if (scalar keys %ips and not scalar @results)
154 26 28 if $ips{$local_ns->address->short}
163 3 25 if ($p and $p->rcode eq 'NOERROR' and $p->get_records('CNAME', 'answer'))
169 28 0 if ($p) { }
170 2 26 if ($p->rcode ne 'NOERROR' or not $p->get_records('PTR', 'answer'))
193 4 2 if (scalar keys %ips and not scalar @results)
209 0 25 if $ips{$local_ns->address->short}
218 3 22 if ($p and $p->rcode eq 'NOERROR' and $p->get_records('CNAME', 'answer'))
224 25 0 if ($p) { }
226 25 0 if ($p->rcode eq 'NOERROR' and scalar @ptr) { }
227 7 18 if (&none(sub { name($_->ptrdname) eq $local_ns->name->string . '.'; } , @ptr))
261 3 2 if (scalar keys %ips and not scalar @results)