Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 48 56.2

line true false branch
21 2 0 if ($params and $params->{'db'}) { }
56 0 2 unless ($domain)
61 2 0 if (defined $params->{'ipv4'} or defined $params->{'ipv4'}) { }
62 2 0 $params->{'ipv4'} ? :
63 1 1 $params->{'ipv6'} ? :
80 3060 3189840 if (index($trace->[1], $module_method) > -1)
83 3042 18 if ($previous_module eq $module) { }
16 2 elsif ($previous_module) { }
89 100 860 if $counter_for_progress_indicator{'planned'}{$planned_module_method} eq $previous_module
95 112 2948 if ($previous_method ne $module_method)
115 2 0 if ($params->{'nameservers'} and @{$params->{'nameservers'};} > 0)
119 2 0 if ($params->{'ds_info'} and @{$params->{'ds_info'};} > 0)
125 2 0 if ($params->{'profile'})
126 0 2 if ($params->{'profile'} eq 'test_profile_1' and 'Zonemaster::Backend::Config'->CustomProfilesPath) { }
137 0 2 if ($params->{'config'})
139 0 0 if ($config_file_path) { }
140 0 0 if (-e $config_file_path) { }
154 0 2 if ($@)
156 0 0 if ($err->blessed and $err->isa('NormalExit')) { }
177 2 2 if ($ns_ip_pair->{'ns'} and $ns_ip_pair->{'ip'}) { }
2 0 elsif ($ns_ip_pair->{'ns'}) { }
189 2 0 unless (exists $data{$ns})
215 8 0 if ($str =~ /^[[:ascii:]]+$/u)
219 0 0 if (&Zonemaster::LDNS::has_idn()) { }