Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 73 208 35.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
379 110 0 0 @list && !ref($list[-1]) && !($list[-1] =~ /^EO/)
381 110 0 0 $b and not $$self{'_settings'}{'interactive'}
438 0 0 0 ++$$meta{'no_mode'} and length $words[0] || shift @words
5 129 0 @words and $words[0] =~ s/^\!\s*//
448 0 0 0 ++$$meta{'no_mode'} and shift @words
0 66 0 @words and $words[0] eq '!'
455 5 0 195 @words and not $$meta{'pretend'}
5 0 195 @words and not $$meta{'pretend'} and $$meta{'parse_aliases'}
481 159 0 0 $$meta{'pretend'} and $$meta{'zoidcmd'} =~ s/^\s*(\w*){(.*)$/$2/s
149 10 0 @words == 1 and $words[0] =~ /^%/
506 195 0 0 $$self{'_settings'}{'mode'} and not $$meta{'no_mode'}
511 195 0 0 $$meta{'pretend'} and @words == 1
531 122 73 0 exists $$self{'parser'}{$$meta{'context'}} and exists $$self{'parser'}{$$meta{'context'}}{'parser'}
0 0 149 @words and not $$meta{'pretend'}
542 0 0 46 not $$meta{'pretend'} and $$meta{'context'} eq 'PERL'
547 10 0 139 @words > 1 && !($words[-1] =~ /^-/)
550 0 0 149 $$meta{'context'} eq 'CMD' and $$meta{'cmdtype'} ne 'builtin'
0 30 119 $$meta{'context'} eq 'CMD' and $$meta{'cmdtype'} ne 'builtin' and not exists $$self{'commands'}{$words[0]}
582 129 5 0 not @words and $$meta{'env'}
609 0 0 0 defined $parts[$_] and not ref $parts[$_]
621 0 0 0 $_ > 0 and ref $parts[$_ - 1]
629 0 0 0 $_ < $#parts and ref $parts[$_ + 1]
0 0 0 @s_words and ref $s_words[0][0]
631 0 0 0 $_ + 1 == $last and not @s_words
635 0 0 0 @s_words == 1 and not @{$s_words[0];}
659 208 0 0 $$self{'_settings'}{'mode'} && !$$meta{'no_mode'}
662 0 195 13 ref $aliases and exists $$aliases{$words[0]}
698 0 0 0 ++$$meta{'no_mode'} and length $$firstref[1] || delete $$firstref[1]
0 13 0 @$firstref > 1 and $$firstref[1] =~ s/^\!\s*//
704 0 0 0 ref $l[-1] and ref $l1[0]
881 0 0 0 $_ < $#parts - 1 and ${$parts[$_ + 2];} =~ s/^\[(\d*)\]//
973 1 0 0 defined *{$class . '::' . $name;}{'ARRAY'} and @{$class . '::' . $name;}
1224 0 0 0 @{$$self{'jobs'};} and not $$self{'_warned_bout_jobs'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
197 16 64 $$self{$_} ||= {}
198 0 16 $$self{'no_words'} ||= []
201 0 16 $$self{'topic'} ||= ''
247 0 16 $$self{'grammars'} ||= \%_grammars
485 0 36 $3 || ''
491 0 0 $3 || ''
602 0 0 $$meta{'fd'} ||= []
663 0 13 $$meta{'alias_stack'} ||= []
840 0 0 $e ||= '@_ is reserved for future syntax usage'
1028 0 44 $$meta{'cmdtype'} ||= ''
1051 46 0 $$shell{'_settings'}{'perl'}{'namespace'} || 'Zoidberg::Eval'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
354 0 0 0 defined $cmd || $$self{'_settings'}{'ignoreeof'}
403 110 0 0 $$self{'fg_job'} ||= $self
412 18 8 0 $$block[0]{'env'}{'pwd'} ||= $ENV{'PWD'}
436 134 0 200 not $t or $t eq 'SCALAR'
438 0 0 0 length $words[0] || shift @words
442 66 0 134 @$block > 1 or $$meta{'plain_words'}
473 0 195 5 $$meta{'context'} or @words
478 0 0 195 $$meta{'context'} or not $$meta{'parse_def_contexts'}
481 36 0 159 $$meta{'zoidcmd'} =~ s/^\s*(\w*){(.*)}(\w*)\s*$/$2/s or $$meta{'pretend'} and $$meta{'zoidcmd'} =~ s/^\s*(\w*){(.*)$/$2/s
508 0 0 0 $$meta{'context'} ||= $m =~ /::/ ? $m : uc $m
526 46 0 149 $$meta{'context'} or not $$meta{'parse_def_contexts'}
566 0 0 134 @words > 1 or not $$meta{'split_words'}
638 0 0 0 $op =~ /^DUP/ or $$meta{'pretend'}
644 0 0 0 $n ||= $op =~ /OUT$/ ? 1 : 0
698 0 0 0 length $$firstref[1] || delete $$firstref[1]
816 0 0 32 $1 || $2
817 0 0 0 $e ||= "no advanced expansion for \${$w}"
818 0 32 0 exists $$meta{'env'}{$w} or exists $ENV{$w}
830 682 9 23 $_ eq $old or $_ =~ /^".*"$/
838 0 0 1 $1 || $2
839 0 0 0 $e ||= "no advanced expansion for \@{$w}"
841 0 1 0 exists $$meta{'env'}{$w} or exists $ENV{$w}
965 0 30 19 $next =~ /^::/ or grep {$name eq $_;} '_', 'ARGV', 'ENV', 'SIG', 'INC', 'JOBS'
2 6 11 exists $ENV{$name} || exists $$meta{'env'}{$name}
30 11 8 $next =~ /^::/ or grep {$name eq $_;} '_', 'ARGV', 'ENV', 'SIG', 'INC', 'JOBS' or not exists $ENV{$name} || exists $$meta{'env'}{$name}
1 0 7 $sigil eq '@' or $next =~ /^\[/
1029 0 30 13 $$meta{'cmdtype'} eq 'builtin' or exists $$self{'commands'}{$cmd}
1091 0 0 0 $mode eq '-' or $mode eq 'default'
1097 0 0 0 grep {lc $mode eq $_;} 'perl', 'cmd', 'sh' or $$self{'parser'}{$m}{'handler'}