Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 68 0.0

line true false branch
40 0 0 unless defined $uevent
46 0 0 defined($_ = file_get_contents("$blockpath/size")) ? :
0 0 defined($_ = file_get_contents("$blockpath/removable")) ? :
0 0 defined($_ = file_get_contents("$blockpath/partition")) ? :
59 0 0 if (defined(my $dmname = file_get_contents("$blockpath/dm/name")))
65 0 0 defined $disk->{'dmpath'} ? :
66 0 0 defined($_ = file_get_contents('/proc/mounts')) ? :
70 0 0 unless $mountname =~ /^\Q$disk->{'devpath'}\E|\Q$dmpath\E$/
86 0 0 defined($_ = file_get_contents("$disk->{'blockpath'}/stat")) ? :
87 0 0 unless $stat_line
117 0 0 if (my($epoch, $pid) = $tmp_path =~ /^\Q$tmp_prefix\E(\d*)\.(\d*)/)
119 0 0 if ($now - $epoch < 60)
121 0 0 unless ($stats)
124 0 0 if $tmp
128 0 0 unless ($old_stats)
131 0 0 if $tmp
132 0 0 unless not $tmp or $@
134 0 0 unless $now - $epoch > 120
138 0 0 unless ($stats)
143 0 0 if $tmp
145 0 0 unless $old_stats
151 0 0 unless defined $old_stat
153 0 0 unless $diff
187 0 0 if $devname =~ /^loop\d*$/i or $devname =~ /^ram\d*$/i
188 0 0 if not $removable and $disk->{'removable'}
197 0 0 unless defined $devname and $type and $type =~ /^read|write|total$/
200 0 0 if $analyzed
201 0 0 if $status
209 0 0 unless defined $devname and $type and $type =~ /^read|write|total$/
212 0 0 if $analyzed
213 0 0 if $status
221 0 0 unless defined $devname
224 0 0 if $analyzed
225 0 0 if $status