Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 58 72.4

line true false branch
82 0 4 unless length $alphabet == 78
85 0 4 unless substr($alphabet, 52, 1) eq "\0"
89 0 4 if grep {ord $_ > 255;} split(//u, $alphabet, 0)
101 8 4 $i ? :
104 4 308 if $i == 2 and $j == 0
170 0 5 unless (defined $arg)
172 2 3 unless (ref $arg)
181 1 0 unless $guts->{'version'} == 5 or $guts->{'version'} == 7 or $guts->{'version'} == 8
198 0 4 if @{$guts->{'extra'};} > 97
202 0 78 if exists $guts->{'zscii'}{chr 155 + $_}
209 0 78 if ord $u_char > 65535
220 0 474 if exists $guts->{'zscii_for'}{$unicode_char}
244 1 3 if $arg->{'alphabet_is_unicode'}
325 1 188 unless defined(my $zscii_char = $self->{'zscii_for'}{$char})
355 0 49 unless defined(my $unicode_char = $self->{'zscii'}{$char})
378 0 10 unless length $zscii
383 92 11 if (defined(my $shortcut = $self->{'shortcut'}{$zscii_char}))
390 0 11 if ($ord >= 1024)
441 3 101 if ($ord == 0)
443 7 94 if ($ord == 4) { }
23 71 elsif ($ord == 5) { }
446 12 59 if ($alphabet == 2 and $ord == 6)
448 2 10 if (length $next_two != 2)
449 1 1 if $arg->{'allow_early_termination'}
461 59 0 if ($ord >= 6 and $ord <= 31)
490 3 0 $self->{'version'} >= 5 ? :
519 4 27 unless length $zchars
543 0 5 if length($bytestring) % 2
550 0 37 if $terminate