Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 108 77.7

line true false branch
208 52 0 if ($config->{'backend'} or $config->{'schema'}) { }
213 1 0 &blessed($config->{'backend'}) ? :
1 51 $config->{'backend'} ? :
231 0 52 if ($config->{'api_controller'})
247 4 0 unless ($auth_cb or exists $config->{'require_user'} or defined $config->{'route'})
254 2 93 $auth_cb ? :
260 4 48 if ($config->{'openapi'} and keys %{$$config{'openapi'};}) { }
285 74 219 if (my $view = $schema->{$schema_name}{'x-view'})
288 0 293 if $schema->{$schema_name}{'x-view'}
289 134 159 if (my $list_cols = $schema->{$schema_name}{'x-list-columns'})
291 1 286 if (ref $col eq 'HASH') { }
294 1 0 if (my($col) = grep({not exists $schema->{$schema_name}{'properties'}{$_};} @cols))
300 1 285 unless (exists $schema->{$schema_name}{'properties'}{$col})
342 1 5 if (@includes)
350 1 5 if ($config)
361 0 503 if $pathspec->{'x-schema'}
366 501 525 if ($method eq 'get') { }
349 176 elsif ($method =~ /^(put|post)$/u) { }
370 0 501 unless $schema = $response_spec->{'schema'}
373 0 349 unless $op_spec->{'parameters'}
374 174 175 unless $pathspec->{'parameters'}
376 0 349 if @body_params > 1
377 0 349 unless $schema = $body_params[0]{'schema'}
382 426 600 unless my $this_ref = $schema->{'$ref'} || $schema->{'items'} && $schema->{'items'}{'$ref'} || $schema->{'properties'} && $schema->{'properties'}{'items'} && $schema->{'properties'}{'items'}{'$ref'}
383 0 600 unless $this_ref =~ s[^#/definitions/][]u
384 0 600 if $this_ref and $schema_name and $this_ref ne $schema_name
388 78 425 unless ($schema_name)
390 0 78 unless $schema_name
402 1 502 unless $spec->{'definitions'}{$schema}
412 1023 0 unless $pathspec->{'x-filter'}
413 1023 0 unless $op_spec->{'x-filter'}
415 0 1023 if @filters
417 1023 0 unless $pathspec->{'x-filter-output'}
418 1023 0 unless $op_spec->{'x-filter-output'}
420 0 1023 if @filters_out
431 423 601 unless $pathspec->{'parameters'}
432 427 597 unless $op_spec->{'parameters'}
437 500 524 if ($method eq 'get') { }
173 351 elsif ($method eq 'post') { }
175 176 elsif ($method eq 'put') { }
175 1 elsif ($method eq 'delete') { }
439 251 249 if ($id_field) { }
459 0 175 unless $id_field
465 0 175 unless $id_field
514 0 234 if $json_schema->{'x-ignore'}
516 8 226 ref $id_field eq 'ARRAY' ? :
518 35 0 if (not $props and $json_schema->{'x-view'})
540 471 1169 ref $props{$_}{'type'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
541 1 1163 $type eq 'array' ? :
93 1164 $type eq 'boolean' ? :
383 1257 $type eq 'number' || $type eq 'integer' ? :
607 8 156 @id_fields > 1 ? :
70 164 $json_schema->{'x-view'} ? :
645 70 164 $json_schema->{'x-view'} ? :