Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 81 95 85.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
64 63 0 55 not $params->{$id_field} and $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'properties'}{$id_field}{'type'} eq "integer"
0 6 57 $params->{$id_field} and $id_field ne "id"
6 57 0 $params->{$id_field} and $id_field ne "id" and exists $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'properties'}{'id'}
94 314 11 1 @ids > 1 and !ref($id) || keys %$id < @ids
214 54 3 1 @id_fields > 1 and !ref($id) || keys %$id < @id_fields
251 90 3 1 @id_fields > 1 and !ref($id) || keys %$id < @id_fields
271 107 586 70 is_type($type, "string") and is_format($format, "date-time")
274 30 2 24 $data->{$key} && !($data->{$key} =~ /^false$/iu)
299 2272 219 399 $p->{'format'} and not $db_formats{$p->{'format'}}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
34 78 6 $schema //= \%Local::Test::SCHEMA
54 149 171 $props->{$_}{'default'} // undef
58 68 45 $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'x-id-field'} || 'id'
66 40 15 &max(@existing_ids) // 0
74 29 17 &max(@existing_ids) // 0
78 111 2 $DATA{$schema_name} //= {}
80 1 4 $$store{$$params{$id_fields[$i]}} //= {}
90 2 325 $schema->{'x-view'} || {}
92 165 162 $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'x-id-field'} || 'id'
99 291 42 $item->{$id} // (return undef)
114 19 0 $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'x-id-field'} || 'id'
118 17 4 $item->{$join} || (next)
132 10 10 $join_schema->{'properties'}{$_}{'x-foreign-key'} // ""
152 3 623 $schema->{'x-view'} || {}
168 208 119 $params ||= {}
170 172 155 $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'x-id-field'} || 'id'
173 1 326 $schema->{'x-view'} || {}
193 41 286 $opt->{'order_by'} // \@id_fields
195 77 250 $opt->{'offset'} // 0
212 29 29 $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'x-id-field'} || 'id'
249 50 44 $self->schema->{$schema_name}{'x-id-field'} || 'id'
256 2 0 $store->{$id_part} // (return 0)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
31 0 0 0 $ENV{'MOJO_HOME'} || ()
90 2 325 0 +($schema->{'x-view'} || {})->{'schema'} // $schema_name
94 0 1 11 !ref($id) || keys %$id < @ids
152 3 623 0 +($schema->{'x-view'} || {})->{'schema'} // $schema_name
173 1 326 0 +($schema->{'x-view'} || {})->{'schema'} // $schema_name
175 327 0 0 $schema->{'properties'} || $self->schema->{$real_coll}{'properties'}
214 1 1 2 !ref($id) || keys %$id < @id_fields
251 1 1 2 !ref($id) || keys %$id < @id_fields