Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 24 0.0

line true false branch
51 0 0 unless ($$Response{'firstResultPosition'})
74 0 0 if (ref $$Result{$key} eq 'HASH' and not keys %{$$Result{$key};})
122 0 0 if ($comma)
401 0 0 if (@_ % 2 != 0)
408 0 0 if (exists $Args{'AutoContinue'})
413 0 0 if (%Args)
422 0 0 if ($$Response{'_NextIterator'} < @{$$Response{'Result'};})
430 0 0 if ($AutoContinue and my $next = $Response->NextResponse)
500 0 0 unless ($Response->Count)
505 0 0 if ($Response->FirstOrdinal + $Response->Count >= $Response->CountAvail)
511 0 0 if ($$Response{'_NoFurtherRequests'})
543 0 0 if (my $Request = $Response->NextRequest) { }