Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 32 78.1

line true false branch
49 256 97 if ($item->{'cf_OUT'}) { }
87 10 elsif ($item->{'cf_ERROR'}) { }
70 10 0 !(-d $_) ? :
86 3 7 if (my(@global) = $parser->read('skip_comment', 0))
99 1 0 do { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' } ? :
1 4 ref $_ ? :
115 0 172 if ($item->{'cf_global'})
127 155 11 if ($prev and $prev->{'cf_FILE'} =~ /%d/) { }
135 145 27 if ($test->{'cf_IN'}) { }
150 145 27 if ($test->{'cf_IN'})
151 0 145 if (my $conflict = $self->{'file_dict'}{$test->{'realfile'}})
158 167 5 if ($test->{'cf_OUT'} or $test->{'cf_ERROR'})
160 19 148 if (not $test->{'cf_TITLE'} and $prev)
178 0 145 unless $path[0] =~ s/\.(\w+)$//
181 0 145 if (my $sub = $self->can("convert_$ext")) { }
185 0 145 unless (defined $item->{'cf_IN'})