Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 38 96 39.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
65 0 0 0 $prop->{'cf_cgi'} and my $sub = $prop->{'cf_cgi'}->can($method)
179 0 54 0 !$prop->{'cf_no_unicode_params'} && $prop->{'cf_encoding'}
187 20 0 9 $env->{'CONTENT_TYPE'} and defined $env->{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}
232 0 0 16 defined $obj and my $sub = $obj->can($method)
259 11 6 0 defined $file and $file =~ m[^/]
305 0 0 8 $scheme eq 'http' and $port == 80
0 0 0 $scheme eq 'https' and $port == 443
317 14 4 0 defined $param and ref $param
327 0 0 2 $fkeys = UNIVERSAL::can($param, 'keys') and $fgetall = UNIVERSAL::can($param, 'get_all')
357 2 4 2 defined $prop->{'cf_file'} and not $prop->{'cf_is_index'}
380 1 0 0 $prop->{'cf_cgi'} and my $sub = $prop->{'cf_cgi'}->can('request_uri')
394 0 0 3 @_ and defined $_[0]
396 1 0 0 $_[0] =~ m[^(?:\w+:)?//([^/]+)] and $1 ne ($glob->mkhost // '')
495 0 0 0 defined $value and $value =~ /$pat/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
161 9 36 $real_ct // ''
207 0 16 $cgi->content_type // ''
226 0 0 $prop->{'cf_location'} // ''
295 16 2 $scheme ||= 'http'
313 0 18 $sep //= '&'
355 6 2 $prop->{'cf_location'} // '/'
374 17 1 (shift())->request_uri // ''
396 0 0 $glob->mkhost // ''
533 8 4 $qual // 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
66 3 0 0 $prop->{'cf_env'}{$env} // $default
68 0 0 0 &$sub($prop->{'cf_cgi'}) // $default
120 0 0 0 $prop->{'cf_hmv'} // do { $prop->{'cf_cgi'}->parameters if $prop->{'cf_is_psgi'} }
141 0 0 2 $prop->{'params_hash'} or $prop->{'cf_hmv'}
266 11 0 6 not defined $file or $file eq ''
287 8 8 0 $prop->{'cf_env'}{'psgi.url_scheme'} || $prop->{'cf_cgi'}->protocol
302 0 8 0 $env->{'SERVER_NAME'} // _invoke_or('localhost', $prop->{'cf_cgi'}, 'server_name')
303 0 8 0 $env->{'SERVER_PORT'} || _invoke_or(80, $prop->{'cf_cgi'}, 'server_port')
305 8 0 0 $scheme eq 'http' and $port == 80 or $scheme eq 'https' and $port == 443
327 2 0 0 $fkeys = UNIVERSAL::can($param, 'keys') and $fgetall = UNIVERSAL::can($param, 'get_all') or $fkeys = $fgetall = UNIVERSAL::can($param, 'param')
483 0 0 0 shift() // croak('Undefined name!')
484 0 0 0 shift() // croak('Undefined type!')