Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 59 95 62.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
131 0 0 19 defined $tmpl and UNIVERSAL::isa($tmpl, $pack->Template)
295 3 5 263 $part->{'toks'} and @{$part->{'toks'};}
339 193 332 0 not $+{'attname'} and $+{'bare'}
20 0 312 not $+{'attname'} and $+{'bare'} and is_ident($+{'bare'})
356 93 16 91 !$quote && is_ident($value)
395 6 0 252 @$chunks && !ref($chunks->[0])
412 252 246 10 @$chunks and ref $chunks->[0]
451 10 0 16 @$list and $list->[-1] =~ /^\s*$/s
503 7 82 0 @_ and $_[0]
0 73 9 @_ and $_[0] and $_[0][0] == 8
73 7 2 @_ and $_[0] and $_[0][0] == 8 and not defined $_[0][4]
572 0 0 339 ref $self->{'cf_namespace'} && wantarray
583 180 88 94 $tmpl->{'partlist'} and my YATT::Lite::Core::Part $prev = $tmpl->{'partlist'}[-1]
745 0 257 171 defined $_[0] and length $_[0]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
60 6 333 $self->{'cf_namespace'} ||= ['yatt', 'perl']
394 255 3 $widget->{'toks'} //= []
524 3 1 $_->[5] // 1
622 99 153 $desc || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
62 0 339 0 $self->{'re_name'} ||= $self->re_name
63 0 339 0 $self->{'re_decl'} ||= qr/$nspat(?::\w++)+) |(?:--\#(?$nspat(?::\w++)*)))\b/sx
82 0 339 0 $self->{'re_att'} ||= qr#(?\s++) | (?--+.*?--+) | (?%(?:[\w\:\.]+(?:[\w:\.\-=\[\]\{\}\(,\)]+)?);) | (?:(?[\w:]+)\s*=\s*+)?+ (?:'(?[^']*+)' |"(?[^\"]*+)" |(?\[) | (?\]) |$entOpen |(?[^\s'\"<>\[\]/=]++) ) #sx
93 0 339 0 $self->{'re_body'} ||= qr"$entOpen |<(?:(?/?)(?:?)(?$nspat(?::\w++)+) |\?(?$nspat(?::\w++)*))\b "sx
99 0 339 0 $self->{'re_eopen'} ||= qr/(? [\(\{\[])/sx
100 0 339 0 $self->{'re_eclose'} ||= qr/(? [\)\}\]])/sx
101 0 339 0 $self->{'re_evar'} ||= qr/: (?\w+)/sx
102 0 339 0 $self->{'ch_etext'} ||= qr/(?: [^\ \t\n,;:()\[\]{}])/sx
103 0 339 0 $self->{'re_eparen'} ||= qr/(\( (? (?: (?> [^()]+) | (?-2) )*) \) )/sx
239 1 1 0 $nameAtt->[4] // $self->location2name($nameAtt->[5])
256 88 6 0 &$sub($self, $tmpl, $ns, $self->parse_attlist($str, 1)) // $part
334 544 0 542 $+{'ws'} or $+{'comment'}
339 1 0 200 $+{'entity'} or $+{'special'}
550 4 2 0 $self->{'subroutes'} //= $self->SubRoutes->new
619 11 0 0 $desc->[4] || $desc->[5]