Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 39 87 44.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
262 0 0 0 @path and length($dir = $pack->catdir(@path)) > length $rootdir
313 0 18 0 not $self->{'cf_allow_missing_dir'} and $self->{'cf_doc_root'}
0 18 0 not $self->{'cf_allow_missing_dir'} and $self->{'cf_doc_root'} and not -d $self->{'cf_doc_root'}
689 4 0 16 $is_primary && $pkg
815 1 12 0 ref $self && $self->{'cf_binary_config'}
835 0 0 70 defined $_[0] && $_[0] ne ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
171 0 0 $default{'app_base'} ||= '@ytmpl'
298 1 17 $self->{'cf_use_subpath'} //= 1
323 1 17 $self->{'cf_site_prefix'} //= ''
413 2 1 $self->{'loc2psgi_dict'} //= {}
426 3 0 $self->{'loc2psgi_dict'} //= {}
635 15 17 $self->{'tmpl_cache'} //= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
169 0 0 0 $default{'doc_root'} ||= "$app_root/html"
215 1 0 0 $sub->isa($pack) or $sub->isa('YATT::Lite::Factory')
259 0 0 0 $_[0] // $pack->curdir
281 0 18 0 $self->{'cf_index_name'} //= $self->default_index_name
282 0 18 0 $self->{'cf_ext_public'} //= $self->default_ext_public
283 0 18 0 $self->{'cf_ext_private'} //= $self->default_ext_private
288 0 0 0 $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} || $self->default_header_charset
0 0 0 $self->{'cf_header_charset'} //= $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} || $self->default_header_charset
290 0 0 0 $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} //= $self->compat_default_output_encoding
293 1 15 0 $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} // $self->default_header_charset
2 16 0 $self->{'cf_header_charset'} //= $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} // $self->default_header_charset
295 1 16 0 $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} // $self->default_tmpl_encoding
1 17 0 $self->{'cf_tmpl_encoding'} //= $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} // $self->default_tmpl_encoding
296 2 16 0 $self->{'cf_output_encoding'} //= $self->default_output_encoding
388 19 3 0 $self->{'loc2psgi_re'} // $self->rebuild_psgi_mount
545 29 2 0 $tmpldir //= $self->{'cf_doc_root'}
582 0 0 35 $self->{'cf_allow_missing_dir'} or -d $path
653 12 11 12 $desc //= $self->{'cf_app_base'}
769 21 0 0 $self->_extract_app_name($path, $basedir) // $self->error(q[Can't extract app_name path=%s, base=%s], $path, $basedir)