Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 36 76 47.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
279 0 0 $ignore_error and return
306 0 0 $ignore_error and return
314 0 0 $ignore_error and return
317 2 0 $ignore_error and return
323 0 0 $ignore_error and return
327 0 0 $ignore_error and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
252 1 0 6 defined $args && $part->isa('YATT::Lite::Core'->Widget)
425 2 1 0 $other_msgs and $other_msgs->[0]
443 166 1 0 not defined $tmpl->{'cf_name'} and defined $tmpl->{'cf_path'}
458 0 4 154 $tmpl->{'cf_string'} and not $tmpl->{'cf_mtime'}
461 16 3 22 defined $tmpl->{'cf_mtime'} and $tmpl->{'cf_mtime'} >= $mtime

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
118 8 16 $list ||= []
159 0 2 $tmpl->{'cf_base'} //= []
295 5 23 $kind //= 'page'
296 5 23 $pureName //= ''
386 0 156 $opts{'sink'} || sub { my($info, @script) = @_; if (not $self->{'cf_debug_cgen'}) { (); } else { my YATT::Lite::Core::Template $real = $info->{'folder'}; print STDERR "# compiling $type code of $real->{'cf_path'}\n"; if ($self->{'cf_debug_cgen'} >= 2) { print STDERR "#--BEGIN--\n"; print STDERR @script, "\n"; print STDERR "#--END--\n\n"; } ; } ; ++$self->{'n_compiles'}; ckeval(@script); }
403 2 0 $msglist //= []
404 0 2 $msgdict //= {}
506 256 0 $widget->{'arg_order'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
279 0 0 0 $tmpl = $self->find_file($name) or $ignore_error and return
294 27 0 1 $partName ||= $self->{'cf_index_name'}
306 1 0 0 $part = $tmpl->{'Item'}{$partName} or $ignore_error and return
314 27 0 0 $tmpl = $self->find_file($partName) or $ignore_error and return
317 25 0 2 $part = $tmpl->{'Item'}{$itemKey} or $ignore_error and return
323 26 0 0 my $pkg = $self->find_product('perl', $tmpl) or $ignore_error and return
327 26 0 0 my $sub = $pkg->can($method) or $ignore_error and return
347 156 0 0 $self->can("cgen_$type") || carp("Unknown product type: $type")
349 131 25 0 $self->{'cgen_class'}{$type} ||= do { my $cg_base = &$sub(); my $instpkg = ref($self->{'cf_facade'}) . "::CGEN_$type"; ckeval("package $instpkg; use base qw($cg_base)"); $instpkg }
443 0 0 0 ($tmpl->{'cf_name'}) = $tmpl->{'cf_path'} =~ /(\w+)\.\w+$/ or $self->error(q[Can't extract part name from '%s'], [$tmpl->{'cf_path'}])
503 13 256 0 $widget->{'arg_dict'}{'body'} ||= do { my $var = $parser->mkvar_at(undef, 'code', 'body', scalar @{$widget->{'arg_order'} ||= [];}); push @{$$widget{'arg_order'};}, 'body'; $var }