Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 114 46.4

line true false branch
73 0 170 unless defined $type
78 0 9 unless (ref $node eq 'ARRAY')
85 0 69 unless (ref $node eq 'ARRAY')
96 0 2078 if (not defined $len) { }
99 0 2078 if $len < 0
107 0 0 $_ ? :
110 0 0 if (keys %$params)
113 0 0 wantarray ? :
120 1 1 unless $name =~ /^[a-z]\w*$/i
121 0 1 unless my $argdecl = $widget->{'arg_dict'}{$name}
124 0 1 $argdecl->type->[0] eq 'list' ? :
135 0 1 unless my $pkg = $f->{'cf_entns'}
155 0 2 unless (@args)
160 0 2 if (@$base)
168 0 2 unless $type == 8
171 0 2 unless nonempty(my $fn = $vfs->node_value($att))
176 2 0 if ($vfs->{'on_memory'}) { }
177 0 2 unless my $o = $vfs->find_file($fn)
181 0 0 unless defined(my $realfn = $vfs->resolve_path_from($dirobj, $fn))
184 0 0 unless -e $realfn
186 0 0 -d $realfn ? :
195 0 0 if $state->{'cf_path'}
196 0 0 if $state->{'startln'}
215 0 41 unless -e $fn
227 0 331 $self->{'cf_parse_while_loading'} ? :
238 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', \(my $str = '')
246 0 7 unless ($part->public)
252 1 6 if (not defined $args && $part->isa('YATT::Lite::Core'->Widget)) { }
6 0 elsif (ref $args eq 'ARRAY') { }
262 0 7 if (@opts) { }
275 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'root'}, 'YATT::Lite::Core::Template')) { }
279 0 0 unless $tmpl = $self->find_file($name) or $ignore_error and return
285 0 0 wantarray ? :
291 20 8 ref $nameSpec ? :
302 1 27 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'root'}, 'YATT::Lite::Core::Template')) { }
306 0 0 unless $part = $tmpl->{'Item'}{$partName} or $ignore_error and return
314 0 0 unless $tmpl = $self->find_file($partName) or $ignore_error and return
317 2 0 unless $part = $tmpl->{'Item'}{$itemKey} or $ignore_error and return
323 0 0 unless my $pkg = $self->find_product('perl', $tmpl) or $ignore_error and return
327 0 0 unless my $sub = $pkg->can($method) or $ignore_error and return
339 0 1 unless my($part, $sub, $pkg) = $self->find_part_handler(@_)
341 1 0 wantarray ? :
361 0 207 ref $spec ? :
363 156 51 unless ($tmpl->{'product'}{$type})
372 137 0 if (not $self->{'cf_debug_cgen'}) { }
410 0 2 unless my YATT::Lite::Core::Template $tmpl = $self->find_file($name)
421 0 3 if (my $obj = $dict->{$msgid}) { }
425 1 2 if ($other_msgs and $other_msgs->[0]) { }
443 0 167 if not defined $tmpl->{'cf_name'} and defined $tmpl->{'cf_path'}
458 41 158 if ($tmpl->{'cf_path'}) { }
154 4 elsif ($tmpl->{'cf_string'} and not $tmpl->{'cf_mtime'}) { }
461 0 41 if (not defined $mtime) { }
22 35 elsif (defined $tmpl->{'cf_mtime'} and $tmpl->{'cf_mtime'} >= $mtime) { }
466 0 22 if $self->{'cf_always_refresh_deps'}
491 3 167 $old_product ? :
501 4 253 if $widget->{'arg_dict'}{$argName}->is_required
514 1 8 unless $tmpl->{'cf_subroutes'}