Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 53 35.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
208 0 2 2 @err and ref $err[0] eq 'HASH'
289 1 0 0 $prop->{'cf_debug'} and my $errfh = $glob->error_fh
295 69 0 0 $prop->{'cf_debug'} and my $errfh = $glob->error_fh
306 0 0 0 $parent and my $sub = $parent->can('header_was_sent')
369 0 0 0 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0]
415 0 0 27 $ct =~ m[^text/] and not $ct =~ /;\s*charset/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
103 0 69 $prop->{'cf_buffer'} //= \my $str
104 0 69 ${$$prop{'cf_buffer'};} //= ''
259 0 0 $level || 'debug'
403 0 27 (shift() // $prop->{'cf_status'}) // 200
414 0 27 $prop->{'cf_content_type'} || 'text/html'
416 14 13 $prop->{'cf_charset'} || 'utf-8'
480 0 0 $prop->{'stash'} //= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
137 19 0 2 $$prop{"cf_$name"} // $default
238 4 0 0 $prop->{'cf_logfh'} || $glob->error_fh
240 4 0 0 $fh or $logger
266 0 4 0 $time // time
319 14 13 0 $prop->{'cf_parent_fh'} // $glob
357 0 0 0 $prop->{'cookies_in'} ||= do { if (defined $env->{'HTTP_COOKIE'}) { require CGI::Cookie; 'CGI::Cookie'->parse($env->{'HTTP_COOKIE'}); } else { +{}; } }
403 0 0 27 shift() // $prop->{'cf_status'}