Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 80 120 66.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
131 0 70 0 push @res, "\n" and ++$self->{'curline'}
184 0 262 $result[-1] .= $last and undef $last

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
138 426 0 22 defined(my $default = $var->default) and defined(my $mode = $var->dflag)
184 245 298 262 $last and not @{$self->{'curtoks'};}
198 273 360 0 $has_nl and @{$self->{'curtoks'};} || !$self->{'no_last_newline'}
227 75 0 1 not @_ and $text_quote
278 2 105 34 @$path == 2 and my $macro = $self->can('macro_' . join('_', @$path)) || $self->can("macro_$path->[-1]")
299 2 83 22 @path == 2 and my $var = $self->find_callable_var($path[-1])
350 0 3 2 not defined argValue($_) and defined(my $v = $formal->flag)
353 27 1 2 $formal->already_escaped and not $actual->already_escaped
478 83 42 8 wantarray && ref $name
557 0 0 4 @$list >= 2 and not ref $list->[0]
0 0 4 @$list >= 2 and not ref $list->[0] and not ref $list->[-1]
0 2 2 @$list >= 2 and not ref $list->[0] and not ref $list->[-1] and $list->[0] =~ /^\n+$/
2 0 2 @$list >= 2 and not ref $list->[0] and not ref $list->[-1] and $list->[0] =~ /^\n+$/ and $list->[-1] =~ /^\n+$/
560 0 0 2 @$list and not ref $list->[0]
585 2 2 1 $ref_numeric and $var->type->[0] eq 'scalar'
619 30 252 44 @_ == 1 and $_[0][0] eq 'call'
282 34 10 @_ == 1 and $_[0][0] eq 'call' and my $macro = $self->can("entmacro_$_[0][1]")
822 10 0 5 $body && @$body
917 6 0 1 $nth and my $vn = $nth->[5]
952 6 0 0 $opts and $opts->{'fragment'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
94 225 0 $widget->{'arg_dict'} ||= {}
202 6 373 $self->sync_curline($node->[3]) // ''
469 7 25 $virtual->{'arg_dict'} ||= {}
827 1 0 $oldvar->lineno // '(unknown)'
908 0 6 $type[0] || ''
927 0 1 $nth_type[0] || ''
971 3 0 $else || q['']
978 0 0 $else || q['']

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
62 156 0 0 $tmpl ||= $self->{'curtmpl'}
198 119 218 23 @{$self->{'curtoks'};} || !$self->{'no_last_newline'}
199 360 14 259 $has_nl or $node =~ /\n/
278 0 34 105 $self->can('macro_' . join('_', @$path)) || $self->can("macro_$path->[-1]")
326 2 0 103 $delegate_vars or $widget->{'has_required_arg'}
1 0 102 $delegate_vars or $widget->{'has_required_arg'} or $primary
55 0 47 $delegate_vars or $widget->{'has_required_arg'} or $primary or $body
533 1 0 2 @$body >= 2 or @$path >= 2
565 0 0 5 ref($vspec = $item->[5]) ne 'ARRAY' or $vspec->[0] ne 'var'
635 139 10 158 not $escape_now or ref $result
667 0 5 0 $attname // $name
701 1 0 0 $attname // $name
831 8 16 0 $typename ||= $default_type