Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 52 69.2

line true false branch
46 10 1 if (%found) { }
48 0 12 unless my $macro = $found{$spec->refid}
50 5 7 if ($$macro{'disabled'})
64 17 1 if (my $slot = $$trigger{$name}) { }
68 6 11 if ($$macro{'disabled'} or my $out = $slot->is_output) { }
73 1 5 if (not $out) { }
5 0 elsif (node_size($value)) { }
138 9 7 $$spec{'output'} ? :
146 0 54 if (my $old = $$dict{$name})
168 0 0 unless ($n->is_attribute and $name = $n->node_name and $slot = $$spec{'trigger'}{$name} and not $slot->is_output)
176 0 0 if (@config) { }
200 10 42 if ($mode eq 'out' and @{$$spec{$name};} == 1)
209 0 2 if ($$spec{'cf_base'})
227 12 23 ref $_ ? :
229 16 19 $user ? :
12 23 @args ? :
242 6 10 if ($rename)
244 0 6 unless $$new{'cf_out'} and @{$$new{'cf_out'};}
246 0 6 if @{$$new{'cf_out'};} > 1
248 6 0 ref $rename ? :
265 6 10 if ($from)
266 0 6 if (not my $major = $trigger{$prefix . $from}) { }
278 5 0 ref $_ ? :
280 0 0 unless defined(my $expr = $$macro{$name})
298 6 48 if (not ref $item) { }
48 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'YATT::ArgMacro::Slot')) { }