Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 66 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
189 0 0 0 defined $rwflag && $rwflag =~ /ro/i
385 0 0 0 $col->{'cf_type'} =~ /^int/i and $col->{'cf_primary_key'}
620 0 0 0 $enc and $depth < coalesce($until, 1)
662 0 0 0 $params->{'offset'} and not $params->{'limit'}
772 0 0 0 @res == 1 and defined $res[0]
0 0 0 @res == 1 and defined $res[0] and $res[0] eq '1'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
546 0 0 delete $param{'separator'} || "\t"
564 0 0 $fetch[0] || 'arrayref'
764 0 0 shift() || 'help'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
163 0 0 0 $spec ||= $schema->connection_spec
227 0 0 0 $dbh ||= $schema->dbh
238 0 0 0 $dbh || $schema->dbh
244 0 0 0 $dbh ||= $schema->dbh
262 0 0 0 $self->{'tables'}{$name} ||= do { push @{$$self{'schemas'};}, my YATT::DBSchema::Table $tab = $self->Table->new; $tab->{'cf_name'} = $name; if (@columns) { $tab->{'raw_create'} = $opts; my $fields = $tab->fields_hash; foreach my $desc (@columns) { if (ref(my $kw = $desc->[0])) { if (not $$fields{my $fname = "chk_$$kw"}) { croak("Invalid column constraint $kw for table $name"); } else { push @{$$tab{$fname};}, [@{$desc;}[1 .. $#$desc]]; } ; } else { my($col, $type, @desc) = @$desc; $self->add_table_column($tab, $col, $type, map({if (/^-(\w+)/) { $1, 1; } else { $_; } ;} @desc)); } ; } ; } elsif (not ref $opts) { $self->add_table_column($tab, $name . 'no', 'integer', 'primary_key', 1); $self->add_table_column($tab, $name, $opts, 'unique', 1); } else { die "Unknown table desc $name $opts"; } ; $tab }
312 0 0 0 $colName =~ s/^-// || $col->{'cf_auto_increment'}
341 0 0 0 $opts->{'dbtype'} || $schema->dbtype
342 0 0 0 $schema->can($dbtype . '_sql_create_column') || $schema->can('sql_create_column')
477 0 0 0 $dbh ||= $schema->dbh
608 0 0 0 $alias ||= $tab->{'cf_name'}
612 0 0 0 $depth or $enc
694 0 0 0 $colExpr || join(', ', @$selCols)
706 0 0 0 delete $params->{'dbh'} || $schema->dbh
789 0 0 0 ref $self || $self