Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 37 64 57.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
143 0 1 $_->type eq 'tag' and $_->tag eq 'html' and return $_

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
98 0 0 0 require $file and $class->import
121 33 12 0 $strict and $strict eq -'NO_STRICT'
143 0 0 1 $_->type eq 'tag' and $_->tag eq 'html'
180 140 180 0 @{$$self{'TAG_STACK'};} and $$self{'TAG_STACK'}[-1] eq 'script'
199 140 180 0 @{$$self{'TAG_STACK'};} and $$self{'TAG_STACK'}[-1] eq 'xmp'
241 0 0 0 defined $val and $val =~ s/^["']//
280 0 0 2 defined $val and $val =~ s/^["']//
301 30 0 0 $$self{'TAG_STACK'}[-1] eq $element and exists $YAPE::HTML::OPEN{$element}
309 0 0 28 defined $val and $val =~ s/^["']//
336 3 1 2 $last ne $tag and @{$$self{'TAG_STACK'};}
4 1 1 $last ne $tag and @{$$self{'TAG_STACK'};} and exists $YAPE::HTML::OPEN{$last}
343 68 0 2 $last ne $tag and @{$$self{'TAG_STACK'};}
369 0 0 136 $$self{'CONTENT'} =~ s/^$pat{'text'}// and length $1
400 43 9 122 not $match and @nodes
403 52 28 8 $t eq 'tag' and $req{$$n{'TAG'}}
50 18 12 @rex and $t eq 'tag'
419 5 1 6 $$n{'TAG'} =~ /$$_[0]/ and not grep((!exists($$n{'ATTR'}{$_})), @{$$_[1];})
432 0 17 1 length $str and not $str =~ /\D/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
140 0 0 $_[1] || 30

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
118 0 0 45 not defined $content or length $content == 0
316 2 0 85 $1 or exists $YAPE::HTML::EMPTY{$element}