Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 98 118 83.0

line true false branch
18 0 752 unless defined $bool
19 0 752 if (keys %args)
27 0 752 if ($b eq '*') { }
593 159 elsif ($b eq 'JSON::PP') { }
0 159 elsif ($b eq 'boolean') { }
159 0 elsif ($b eq 'perl') { }
0 0 elsif ($b eq 'perl_experimental') { }
87 1246 173 @{$_[0]{'bool_class'};} ? :
104 440 342 if ($item eq "+")
108 10 772 if (&blessed($item))
127 1 771 if ($item =~ /^\:(.*)/) { }
129 0 1 unless ($class =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9_:]+\z/)
136 0 771 unless ($class =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9_:]+\z/)
156 20545 143 unless defined $implicit
158 20688 0 if ($tag)
159 56 20632 if (ref $tag eq 'Regexp') { }
169 20566 122 if ($implicit)
173 33726 7528 if ($type eq 'equals') { }
5922 1606 elsif ($type eq 'regex') { }
1606 0 elsif ($type eq 'all') { }
175 33726 0 unless (exists $res->{'equals'}{$match})
207 136 143 if ($tag and ref $tag eq 'Regexp') { }
143 0 elsif ($tag) { }
226 1494 19079 if (my $flags = $args{'flags'})
231 748 18331 if (my $regex = $args{'regex'})
236 26 18305 if (my $regex = $args{'class_matches'})
241 593 17712 if (my $class_equals = $args{'class_equals'})
242 0 593 if ($] >= "5.036" and $class_equals eq "perl_experimental")
254 2 17710 if (my $class_isa = $args{'class_isa'})
259 0 17710 if (my $tied_equals = $args{'tied_equals'})
266 16867 843 if (defined(my $equals = $args{'equals'}))
273 24 819 if (defined(my $scalarref = $args{'scalarref'}))
279 24 795 if (defined(my $refref = $args{'refref'}))
285 24 771 if (defined(my $coderef = $args{'coderef'}))
291 24 747 if (defined(my $glob = $args{'glob'}))
297 747 0 if (my $undef = $args{'undefined'})
310 697 6942 if ($tag) { }
312 18 679 if (not $res and my $matches = $resolvers->{'tags'})
315 15 15 if ($tag =~ /$re/)
324 2619 4323 if ($event->{'style'} ne 1)
329 4393 627 if (my $equals = $res->{'equals'})
330 424 3969 if (exists $equals->{$value})
332 80 344 if (ref $res eq "CODE")
338 3956 640 if (my $regex = $res->{'regex'})
342 554 13481 if (@matches)
347 3791 251 if (my $catch_all = $res->{'all'})
348 3791 0 if (ref $catch_all eq "CODE")
363 35 1178 if ($tag)
364 6 29 if (my $equals = $resolvers->{'tag'}{$tag})
367 6 0 if $on_create
370 15 14 if (my $matches = $resolvers->{'tags'})
374 14 2 if ($tag =~ /$re/)
376 14 0 if $on_create
393 83 1220 if ($tag)
394 24 59 if (my $equals = $resolvers->{'tag'}{$tag})
397 23 1 if $on_create
400 31 28 if (my $matches = $resolvers->{'tags'})
404 28 66 if ($tag =~ /$re/)
406 28 0 if $on_create