Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 36 83.3

line true false branch
25 149 36 unless defined $bool
44 0 185 if (keys %args)
51 0 187 if (&blessed($schemas) and $schemas->isa('YAML::PP::Schema')) { }
103 5 180 if (defined $version)
105 1 4 unless (ref $version)
109 0 7 unless ($YAML_VERSIONS{$v})
120 0 1344 if (@_ > 1)
127 0 1199 if (@_ > 1)
134 0 16 if (@_ > 1)
241 120 7 unless (exists $self->{'data'}{$key})
244 39 88 if (ref $val and not &blessed($val))
245 1 38 if (&reftype($val) eq 'HASH' and not tied %$val) { }
2 54 elsif (&reftype($val) eq 'ARRAY' and not tied @$val) { }
264 320 847 if ("$keys->[$i]" eq "$last")
323 13 29 if (ref $val and not &blessed($val))
324 5 8 if (&reftype($val) eq 'HASH' and not tied %$val) { }
1 12 elsif (&reftype($val) eq 'ARRAY' and not tied @$val) { }
391 1 20 unless $_[0]{'style'}