Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 83 97 85.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
66 180 96 17 @words and $words[0] =~ /^#(\w+):(\S.*)$/
261 1 0 20 exists $node->{"\aYAML\aVALUE\a"} and scalar keys %$node == 1
267 36 4 6 $type eq 'scalar' and length $class
40 3 3 $type eq 'scalar' and length $class and not ref $node
325 152 329 1343 not $self->done and $self->indent == $self->offset->[$self->level]
373 95 23 325 not $self->done and $self->indent == $self->offset->[$self->level]
458 2506 0 6 $self->numify and defined $node
2506 0 6 $self->numify and defined $node and not ref $node
0 0 6 $self->numify and defined $node and not ref $node and length $node
0 3 3 $self->numify and defined $node and not ref $node and length $node and $node =~ /\A-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)?(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\z/
589 12 5 54 not $self->done and $self->indent == $self->offset->[$self->level]
605 18 20 130 not $self->done and $self->indent == $self->offset->[$self->level]
619 44 2485 527 @{$self->lines;} and $self->lines->[0] =~ /^\s*(\#|$)/
653 161 1062 596 $type == 2 and $self->preface =~ /^(\s*(\!\S*|\&\S+))*\s*$/
656 51 4 1 length $1 and $1 == 0
664 0 50 1 @{$self->lines;} and $self->lines->[0] =~ /^\s*#/
672 0 1 50 $self->lines->[0] =~ /^( *)\S/ and length $1 > $offset
703 1 207 19 @{$self->lines;} and $self->lines->[0] =~ /^( *)(\#)/
208 8 11 @{$self->lines;} and $self->lines->[0] =~ /^( *)(\#)/ and length $1 < $offset
721 1619 40 169 $type == 1 and $self->lines->[0] =~ /^ {$offset}(.*)$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
24 277 0 $_[0] || ''
90 12 262 $directives{'YAML'} ||= '1.0'
91 2 272 $directives{'TAB'} ||= 'NONE'
164 390 206 $self->offset->[$self->level] ||= 0
255 47 0 $1 || ''
20 27 $2 || ''
279 14 0 $1 || ''
2 12 $2 || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
278 2 11 9 $YAML::TagClass->{$explicit} or $explicit =~ m[^perl/(\@|\$)?([a-zA-Z](\w|::)+)$]
293 2 0 11 $YAML::TagClass->{$explicit} || $2
386 33 3 288 $preface =~ /^ (\s*) ( \w .*? \: (?:\ |$).*) $/x or $preface =~ /^ (\s*) ((') (?:''|[^'])*? ' \s* \: (?:\ |$).*) $/x
36 0 288 $preface =~ /^ (\s*) ( \w .*? \: (?:\ |$).*) $/x or $preface =~ /^ (\s*) ((') (?:''|[^'])*? ' \s* \: (?:\ |$).*) $/x or $preface =~ /^ (\s*) ((") (?:\\\\|[^"])*? " \s* \: (?:\ |$).*) $/x
419 0 2 2638 $implicit ||= $top_implicit
420 2 15 2623 $explicit ||= $top_explicit
577 1 1 2498 $value =~ /^[\@\`]/ or $value =~ /^[\-\?]\s/