Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 229 11.7

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
45 0 2 require Exporter and goto \&{'Exporter'->can('import');}
1233 0 0 push @buffer, $msg and return
1234 0 0 push @setbuf, $msg and return
1673 0 0 not defined $_ and 'null'

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
39 1 2 0 @_ == 2 and $_[1] =~ /^(\*|all|)$/
43 3 0 1 /^(?: ([\w:!]*) -> \*? ([\w:!]*) | ([\w:!]+::!*) )$/x && 'XUL::Gui'->oo($3 || $2 || $1)
448 8 0 2 $x eq 'style' and $A{$x} .= (shift()) . ';'
515 2 0 1 %$pkg and not $force
576 0 0 0 @_ == 1 and not isa_object($_[0])
780 6 0 0 @_ == 1 && !isa_object($_[0])
913 0 0 0 %$callid && \%$callid == \%ID
942 0 0 0 $$obj{'A'}{'id'} and not $$obj{'A'}{'id'} =~ /^xul_\d+$/
1018 0 0 0 $type eq 'open' && wantarray
1234 0 1 0 $AUTOBUFFER and $type eq 'SET'
1 0 0 $AUTOBUFFER and $type eq 'SET' and not $cached
1526 0 0 1 $_ && 4 - $_
1664 0 0 0 substr($name, -1) eq '_' and chop $name
1673 0 0 0 XUL::Gui::isa_object() and do { push @pre, $_->$toJS(undef, $self) if $$_{'DIRTY'}; "ID.$$_{'ID'}" }
1692 0 0 1 @_ and &Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH'
0 0 1 @_ and &Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH' and $_[0]{'ID'}
2089 0 0 0 $XUL::Gui::DEBUG and $self->status('XUL enhancements disabled. using HTML only mode')
2129 0 0 0 $error and ref $error ne 'XUL::Gui server stopped'
2146 0 0 0 $XUL::Gui::DEBUG > 4 and $url ne '/ping'
2181 0 0 0 $header and ($req{'URL'}) = $header =~ /^\s*\w+\s*(\S+)\s*HTTP/
2196 0 0 0 $XUL::Gui::DEBUG > 3 and $req{'URL'} ne '/ping'
2198 0 0 0 $$self{'delay'} and $req{'URL'} ne '/ping'
2362 0 0 0 /^(:?firefox|iceweasel|xulrunner.*)(?:-bin|\.exe)?$/i and -f $_
2377 0 0 0 defined $_ and not $_
2458 0 0 0 not $$self{'trusted'} and $^O =~ /darwin/
2886 0 0 0 $_ and %$_
0 0 0 $_ and %$_ and exists $$_{$key}
2898 0 0 0 $_ and %$_
0 0 0 $_ and %$_ and exists $$_{$key}
2916 0 0 0 $k eq uc $k and $count != @each
2922 0 0 0 $k eq uc $k and $count != @each

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
507 3 0 $_[1] || 'XUL::Gui::OO'
511 3 0 $target ||= 'main'
737 7 0 shift() || ''
1009 0 0 shift() || 'open'
1668 0 0 $$self{uc $name} || (next)
1940 0 0 $count || 0
2082 0 0 defined $$self{$_} or $$self{$_} = 1
2118 0 0 $@ || 'something bad happened'
2127 0 0 $$self{'dir'} || (last)
2323 0 0 $return || ''
2399 0 0 mkdir &$dir($_) or die $!
2869 0 0 shift() || {}
2937 0 0 scalar %$_ || (next)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
45 1 1 1 @_ == 1 or 1 < (@_ = grep({not /^(?: ([\w:!]*) -> \*? ([\w:!]*) | ([\w:!]+::!*) )$/x && 'XUL::Gui'->oo($3 || $2 || $1);} @_))
447 2 8 1 $x =~ /^_?on/ or ref $_[0] ne 'CODE'
512 0 0 3 $force ||= !$methods
515 0 1 0 $loaded{$pkg} || croak("package '${pkg}' not empty")
888 0 0 0 $$self{'A'}{'id'} || genid
900 0 0 0 $$_self{'M'}{$k} ||= $v
909 0 0 0 $$_self{'A'}{'id'} or genid
942 0 0 0 $FILL_GENID_OBJECTS or $$obj{'A'}{'id'} and not $$obj{'A'}{'id'} =~ /^xul_\d+$/
965 0 0 0 exists $$obj{$_} or hv_store %$obj, $_, $$_self{$_}
966 0 0 0 exists $$obj{$_} or hv_store %$obj, $_, $$_self{'A'}{$_}
1068 0 0 0 $$self{'ID'} || $self
0 0 0 $$self{'WIDGET'} || $$self{'W'}{'WIDGET'}
1071 0 0 0 $last_caller ||= caller
1089 0 0 0 $$self{'W'}{'A'}{'id'} || $$self{'W'}{'ID'}
0 0 0 $$self{'NAME'} || $$self{'ID'}
1222 0 0 0 $first eq 'S' or $first eq 'G'
1243 1 0 0 defined wantarray or $msg .= ';true'
1249 0 0 0 defined wantarray or $cached
1253 0 0 0 $ID{$2} || object(undef, 'id', $2)
1508 0 0 0 $_[0] eq $opt[0] or $_[0] ne $opt[1]
1659 0 0 0 $$self{'NOPROXY'} or not +(shift())->{'ID'}
1664 0 0 0 substr($name, -1) eq '_' and chop $name or @_
0 0 0 substr($name, -1) eq '_' and chop $name or @_ or $void
1673 0 0 0 not defined $_ and 'null' or XUL::Gui::isa_object() and do { push @pre, $_->$toJS(undef, $self) if $$_{'DIRTY'}; "ID.$$_{'ID'}" }
2026 0 0 0 not defined $new or ref $new eq 'CODE'
2084 0 0 0 $$self{'debug'} || $XUL::Gui::DEBUG
2098 0 0 0 $$self{'port'} ||= int 10000 + rand(45000)
2111 0 0 0 $$self{'launch'} or $$self{'trusted'}
2191 0 0 0 $length ||= /^\s*content-length\D+(\d+)/i ? $1 : 0
2278 0 0 0 $root ||= XUL::Gui::BODY()
2282 0 0 0 $$self{$_} ||= $$root{'A'}{$_}
2352 0 0 0 $$self{'default_browser'} or not $XUL::Gui::MOZILLA
2432 0 0 0 $@ || $!
2863 0 0 0 isweak $_ or weaken $_