Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 34 94.1

line true false branch
37 23 17 if ($self->root or not ref $simple) { }
38 10 13 !($self->root =~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/) ? :
48 0 121 unless defined $depth
50 14 107 if (defined $self->depth and $depth >= $self->depth) { }
2 105 elsif (@$element == 1) { }
59 97 8 if (&reftype($element->[1]) eq 'HASH') { }
60 93 4 if $self->attributes
67 57 48 unless (&first(sub { ref $_; } , @$children))
69 20 37 if ($content eq '') { }
32 5 elsif (not %$attributes) { }
81 8 81 unless ref $child
86 14 67 if ($simple->{$name}) { }
94 13 60 if @{$simple->{$name};} != 1
96 52 8 if (not ref $c or not &blessed($c) and &reftype($c) eq 'HASH')
107 1 3 if 'XML::Struct::Simple::removeXMLAttr' ne (caller 1)[3]
112 2 0 $node->[2] ? :
2 2 ref $node ? :