Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 126 68.2

line true false branch
27 7 26 if ($name eq 'svg' and not $self->_seen($name) and not $self->_stash($name)) { }
7 38 elsif ($self->_stash('svg') and not $self->_stash('updated')) { }
33 2 5 if ($name eq "g" and (_attr($elem, 'id') || '') eq $self->_group_id)
44 3 4 if ($self->_stash("svg"))
47 2 1 if (@parts == 4 and not grep((!/^[-0-9.eE]+$/), @parts))
70 6 1 unless @stacked
72 0 1 unless ref $popped
81 0 6 $prefix ? :
89 0 0 unless +(shift())->{'_info'}
101 0 0 if (not $svg_viewbox and $svg_width and $svg_height)
108 2 5 if $self->{'_comment'}
110 7 0 if ($svg_viewbox) { }
120 5 2 unless ($group)
121 0 5 $svg->{'Prefix'} ? :
158 2 5 if ($self->{'KeepAspectRatio'})
162 0 2 if ($width > $view->{'w'})
165 1 1 if ($height > $view->{'h'})
169 1 1 if ($offset[0] or $offset[1])
206 4 3 if ($new_group and $transform)
223 2 12 unless defined $transform
226 6 8 if ($transform)
231 6 2 if ($name eq 'rotate') { }
0 2 elsif ($name eq 'flipx') { }
0 2 elsif ($name eq 'flipy') { }
0 2 elsif ($name eq 'matrix') { }
232 2 4 if (@ops and $ops[-1][0] eq 'rotate') { }
240 0 0 if (@ops and $ops[-1][0] eq 'matrix') { }
247 0 0 if (@ops and $ops[-1][0] eq 'matrix') { }
259 0 0 if (@ops and $ops[-1] eq 'matrix') { }
272 6 14 if ($name eq 'rotate') { }
0 14 elsif ($name eq 'matrix') { }
14 0 elsif ($name eq 'scale') { }
283 0 6 if ($matrix->equal($IdMatrix))
305 4 14 if ($name eq 'rotate') { }
0 14 elsif ($name eq 'matrix') { }
7 7 elsif ($name eq 'scale') { }
7 0 elsif ($name eq 'translate') { }
306 0 4 unless $args[0]
309 0 0 if $args[0]->equal($IdMatrix)
313 6 1 if $args[0] == 1 and $args[1] == 1
316 1 0 unless $args[0] or $args[1]
326 8 30 unless my $number = shift()
330 0 30 unless $number
335 0 15 unless defined $value
356 6 1 if ($set->{'min_x'})
361 4 3 if ($set->{'min_y'})
401 2 5 if ($x and $y) { }
1 4 elsif ($x) { }
0 4 elsif ($y) { }
402 2 0 if ($set->{'w'})
405 2 0 if ($set->{'h'})
408 2 0 if ($self->{'KeepAspectRatio'})
409 0 2 if ($scale_x > $scale_y) { }
416 1 0 if ($set->{'w'})
421 0 0 if ($set->{'h'})
437 0 37 if (not ref $popped and $name ne $popped)
451 0 12 if ($self->{'SessionId'}) { }
461 21 53 if (@_)
475 33 42 if (@_) { }
477 31 2 if (defined $value and $value ne '') { }
478 12 19 unless (exists $elem->{'Attributes'}{"{}$name"}{'Name'})
487 0 42 unless exists $elem->{'Attributes'}
488 20 22 unless exists $elem->{'Attributes'}{"{}$name"}