Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 42 84 50.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
221 0 0 0 defined $ns and length $ns
255 0 1 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::start_doc'
303 0 0 1 exists $$$self{'Encoding'} && $$$self{'Encoding'}
0 0 1 exists $$$self{'Standalone'} && defined $$$self{'Standalone'}
355 0 1 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::end_doc'
454 14 0 0 defined $$$self{'NamespaceURI'} and length $$$self{'NamespaceURI'}
473 32 1 0 defined $$_{'NamespaceURI'} and length $$_{'NamespaceURI'}
530 0 1 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::start_elt'
735 0 0 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::attr'
795 6 0 0 defined $$$self{'NamespaceURI'} and length $$$self{'NamespaceURI'}
815 0 1 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::end_elt'
894 2 1 1 @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
898 2 1 0 @_ and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'XML::Essex::Model::end_element')
992 0 1 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::elt'
1080 0 1 0 not ref $proto and $proto eq 'XML:Essex::chars'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
247 2 2 0 $_[0] eq 'start_document' || $_[0] eq 'start_doc' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
314 1 1 0 $_[0] eq 'xml_decl' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
347 2 2 0 $_[0] eq 'end_document' || $_[0] eq 'end_doc' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
490 14 2 0 $$$self{'_TiedAttributes'} ||= do { my %h; tie %h, 'XML::Essex::Event::_tied_attributes', $$$self{'Attributes'}; \%h }
503 2 2 0 $_[0] eq 'start_element' || $_[0] eq 'start_elt' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
597 3 1 0 $$self{'Attributes'}{$name} ||= do { my($ns, $name) = XML::Essex::Model::_split_name($name); +{'LocalName', $name, 'NamespaceURI', $ns, 'Value', ''} }
2 3 1 $$self{'Wrappers'}{$name} ||= 'XML::Essex::Event::attribute'->new($$self{'Attributes'}{$name} ||= do { my($ns, $name) = XML::Essex::Model::_split_name($name); +{'LocalName', $name, 'NamespaceURI', $ns, 'Value', ''} })
613 1 1 0 $$self{'Attributes'}{$name} ||= do { my($ns, $name) = XML::Essex::Model::_split_name($name); +{'LocalName', $name, 'NamespaceURI', $ns} }
727 0 0 0 $_[0] eq 'attribute' || $_[0] eq 'attr' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
807 2 2 0 $_[0] eq 'end_element' || $_[0] eq 'end_elt' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
971 2 2 0 $_[0] eq 'element' || $_[0] eq 'elt' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
1072 2 2 0 $_[0] eq 'characters' || $_[0] eq 'chars' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)
1128 1 1 0 $_[0] eq 'comment' || $self->SUPER::isa(@_)