Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 32 31.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
284 2 0 0 defined $ENV{'XFDOPTIMIZE'} and not $ENV{'XFDOPTIMIZE'}
2 0 0 defined $$self{'Optimize'} and not $$self{'Optimize'}
308 0 10 2 exists $$self{$tree_name} and $$self{$tree_name}
370 0 25 5 exists $$self{$tree_name} and $$self{$tree_name}
541 5 0 0 @$_ > 1 and $$_[0]->can('force_set_next')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
236 0 0 $@ ||= 'parse returned undef'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
284 0 0 2 defined $ENV{'XFDOPTIMIZE'} and not $ENV{'XFDOPTIMIZE'} or defined $$self{'Optimize'} and not $$self{'Optimize'}
480 5 0 0 $kid->isa('XFD::node_name') or $kid->isa('XFD::namespace_test')
5 0 0 $kid->isa('XFD::node_name') or $kid->isa('XFD::namespace_test') or $kid->isa('XFD::node_local_name')
507 0 0 0 $kid->isa('XFD::node_name') or $kid->isa('XFD::namespace_test')
0 0 0 $kid->isa('XFD::node_name') or $kid->isa('XFD::namespace_test') or $kid->isa('XFD::node_local_name')